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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 753

Arthur was extremely morose as he said to Laura, "Stop your nonsense! I've told you that Sheryl has nothing to do with Anthony. What you should be doing is keeping an eye on him. Please keep him away from Sheryl, and I can assure you that Sheryl won't be seeing Anthony again..."

"Grandpa!" blurted Sheryl. She paused for a moment before she continued speaking to Arthur, "I think I know where Anthony is now."

Though Sheryl said it very plainly, Arthur looked astonished, as if he were missing something. Hearing that, Laura sneered, "Well, well, that explains everything."

"Sher, are you sure what you're talking about?" Arthur asked.

"Of course, I am," she answered. Sheryl glanced at Laura and said, "I said that I think I know where he is, it doesn't mean that I'm sure about it, it just means that he's probably there. I can take you there so you can see for yourself, but there is definitely a possibility that you still won't find him there either."

"All right, all right, I get your point," Laura said, impatiently, while not so subtly motioned for her to lead the way.

Of course, Laura didn't believe what Sheryl had said. In her mind, she was absolutely certain that Sheryl knew exactly where Anthony was, but she was just refusing to tell her.

Although she had known Sheryl was Arthur's granddaughter, she still looked down upon her, which was the exact feeling she got when she had first met her. As far as Laura was concerned, Sheryl was lying.

As they walked into the elevator, Sheryl held Shirley in her arms and she could feel her baby trembling. Sheryl gave her a warm mommy squeeze and kissed her on her squishy, round cheek, Amy looked at Shirley and said, "Poor girl, why must she go through all of this at her age? She just got out of the hospital! This is too much, for someone so young, to have to deal with already!"

Laura glanced at them, with not one shred of compassion, nothing but malice in her eyes, and sneered, "Don't be so dramatic! She's just got a little cold. Why do you have to make it such a big deal?"

She seriously thought that there was nothing very wrong with her at all.

But Junia felt very differently. Based on the way Sheryl looked at Shirley, she wore a look of undeniable fear on her face. How could a common cold be so nerve wrecking for a mother? There had to be something more. Plus, Shirley did look a little off.

Junia couldn't help herself. She just had to know the truth. So she asked Sheryl what was the real situation with Shirley.

With distain and loathing, Amy glanced at Laura and said, "Why don't you ask her and her good son about it? Can you find any young guys who..."

Arthur interrupted, "Come on, that is not an appropriate conversation to have in front of the children. Okay?"

Amy understood what he meant and respectfully stopped. Laura still sneered at it, but Junia felt more confused than she had originally been.

Arthur looked at Laura and said flatly, "Whether Sheryl can or can't help you find your son, I'd prefer you to keep a large distance away from us from that point forward. You live your lives and we live ours, and we won't owe each other any more. Okay?"

Laura sneered, "Uncle Arthur, since you have already decided to act like strangers to me, I'm just fine with that." She didn't have to be polite to Arthur any more since he had told her that he didn't like Anthony at the beginning and wanted to sever any ties with them.

The fact of the matter was, that he was just the friend of her departed father-in-law, after all, so there was no reason for her to associate with him anymore.

So Laura smiled coldly and said, "Very good, then. I can make sure that Anthony won't go to see Sheryl. Now, if only she can stay away from him. You have my word."

With the ding of the elevator, the door opened. Sheryl walked out of the elevator first, with Shirley still in her arms. Amy was wondering if Sheryl would take Laura to her apartment, so she asked her, "Sher, where are you taking her to? Anthony isn't in your room, is he?"

Sheryl ignored Amy and turned to face Laura saying, "Wait here for a second. I'll be right back.

And then she took Shirley back inside so she could get some rest. Upon returning to the group, she turned to Sue's apartment and rang the bell.

Sue called from behind the closed door, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Sheryl," Sheryl answered.


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