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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 768

Sue's mood improved as soon as she pictured her future with Anthony.

She knew very well that Laura didn't like her. She realized that if her vision of a future with Anthony were to become a reality, she had to get Laura out of her way first.

She didn't want a repeat of Sheryl's sorry story, who had to break apart from Anthony due to Laura's vicious and unnecessary interference.

With these thoughts playing in her mind, Sue went into action. She went to the mall and bought many gifts of perfume, wine and tonics for Laura. Loaded with multiple gift bags and packets, she went to Anthony's house.

She rang the bell and waited on the doorstep. Soon Laura opened the door. Her face turned dark the moment she saw Sue. She asked nastily, "Why are you here? Anthony is not at home. Go away."

"Aunt Laura, nice to meet you. I have come to visit you, not Anthony," Sue replied with a big grin. "Last time I did not get the chance to introduce myself properly to you. My name is Sue Wang and I am a good friend of Anthony."

Laura was in a really bad mood. She was in no mood to be cordial with Sue. Raising her eyebrows, she replied impatiently, "Okay, I see. You are Sue. Is there anything else? Excuse me, I am busy."

Noticing that Laura was about to shut the door on her face, Sue stopped her in a rush. "Aunt Laura, I am here to meet you only. Can I have a small talk with you?"

"To meet me?" Laura replied with a sneer, "I know exactly why you are here.

You like Anthony, right? As I am his mother, you are here to convince me to give my way!"

Laura pointed out her true agenda right to her face. Sue was highly embarrassed at this blunt and rude manner of talking. However, she steered herself and said sweetly to Laura, "Aunt Laura, it is because of your upbringing that Anthony has become such a great person. It is not surprising that all we girls fall for him."

"Of course, I know that I have brought up my handsome son extremely well," Laura preened in delight.

"Aunt Laura, I have bought you some presents. There are some nice shops on my way here and I could not resist shopping for you. Please accept them and let me know if you like them or not. You see, I don't know your tastes still. If you continue to live in Y City in the future, I can take you shopping at all the good stores. I know all the shops where they sell the latest products at bargain prices," Sue continued in a flattering manner.

Laura glanced at her. Even though she really liked that Sue had the manners to bring many gifts, her feelings for Sue remained unchanged.

She put down the things she was holding and said, "Okay, thank you. You can leave now. I will look at your gifts when I have time and then let you know."

As she again attempted to shut Sue out and close the door, Sue said, "Aunt Laura, wait a second. There is a new restaurant which has opened just recently. I have heard that it is really nice. Will you join me for lunch? We can try the new restaurant. It will be so much fun. Please come with me. Please say yes."

"Hmm..." Laura knitted her eyebrows and thought about it. Unable to resist Sue's repetitive invitations, she agreed finally.

'My husband and my son are busy with their own lives everyday. For once, I am also entitled to enjoy myself instead of staying alone at home. Going out for lunch with Sue seems like a good idea.

Though Sue is definitely not of Anthony's caliber, there is no harm to just get to know her. When compared to Sheryl who has been so cold and condescending, Sue is way better in this sense.

Plus, Anthony likes her and if her family background is decent, I would have no reason to disagree, ' Laura thought to herself.

Sue was excited that Laura had agreed to spend some time with her. She immediately called the restaurant and booked a table for them. On reaching there, they walked in directly and were soon seated comfortably. Looking at all the people who had to wait for a table, Laura felt a sense of superiority. Suddenly, Sue also started to seem much more likable.


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