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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 771

Sheryl kept probing about Charlie. She thought she could get some clue to resolve her dream that had been giving her sleepless nights for last three years. "Yes, Leila told me that he is four years old. It seems like his fourth birthday just passed. What happened? Why do you ask about this all of a sudden?" asked Charles.

"Nothing," Sheryl replied as she looked down quietly and kicked the stones beneath. "It was just a random question."

"Charlie." Charles stopped and ordered Charlie, "Take Shirley to play around. I need to have a chat with Sher for a short while."

Charlie nodded and walked away holding Shirley's hands. There was an amusement park nearby equipped with just the basic facilities, but still it attracted a number of kids. Charlie was not interested in them, so he took up the responsibility of taking care of Shirley.

After the kids had walked up to a distance where they could not hear them, Charles sat down on the bench, took Sheryl's hands in his and asked, "Sher, what is it that you want to say? I've been noticing you for the last few days. You've been quite weird recently. Is there anything that you want to tell but you are not being able to tell me?"

"No, I..." Sheryl stammered. Sheryl frowned and looked downwards. She could not understand how to say something that was so bizarre and unbelievable. She had no idea that what she was considering to be unbelievable was actually the truth that could put her world back together. It was the one missing chord that could complete her family.

She heaved a deep sigh and there was restlessness all over her face. She could not find the right words to speak them out to Charles. Charles could feel her dilemma and said, "Sher, we haven't met each other for these three years, but I've always felt your presence around myself. Everybody said that you were dead, but only I had a very strong intuition about you being alive. And see, today, you are right here with me. I don't wish to see any gap between us now. I don't like to see you hesitating to speak out about anything with me. Feel free to talk to me. Please."

Seeing Charles turning anxious, Sheryl forced a smile and replied, "It's not that I don't want to share with you. I just feel that it's too strange. Maybe it's just a figment of my imagination."

"What exactly is that?" Charles was getting increasingly impatient.

Sheryl looked into his eyes and realized that now she had to tell everything to him. Then she started to talk about her dream, in which she remembered so clearly that there was a birthmark on the boy's wrist which was exactly the same as the one on Charlie's wrist.

"Though I've lost all my memories during that period, I've always been worrying for the other kid. I also don't know why I had such a weird dream. It was as if..." Sheryl paused and swallowed before she continued, "As if the kid that came to my dream was Charlie, but... but how is that even possible?"

Set age aside first, Charlie was Leila's son. Also how could it be possible that Leila and Ferry become allied!

With a wry smile, Sheryl continued, "I've been bothered by this thought for several days, so I just wanted to ask."

Charles became silent as he heard Sheryl's words. He fell into a deep thought.

He started back calculating each and every event that took place since the time Leila appeared with Charlie. There was no doubt about the fact that Charlie was his son. But the vibes Charlie shared with Leila always made him unsure about the mother-son relationship. Leila being Charlie's mother — was it worth a second thought?

"Even I have no idea why I have such funny thoughts. Just take it as a pinch of salt," Sheryl added with embarrassment.

"No, your thoughts are not funny at all. You were pregnant with twins. Who knows Charlie could be our son," Charles continued as he held Sheryl's hands. "I've always been looking for the kid. Maybe that's exactly why I can't find him. I have never thought of the possibility that he is just under our noses. Right?"

Charles sprang up from the bench and pulled up Sheryl. His voice was filled with excitement as he said, "Come on, let's go. Let's take Charlie to the hospital to test whether he is our child or not."

"Now?" Startled, Sheryl asked, "What do you mean? Why do you want to do this?"

Charles gave no answer to her questions, just dragged her to look for the kids.


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