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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 779

"I'm not an idiot." Charles goaded her on while hurling her with a cold and hard stare. His voice was heavy with sarcasm. Leila was panic-stricken as she couldn't get hold of her nervousness. She felt a sudden gripping fear crawling tightly in her chest, while she looked at Charles' livid expression. Her instinct told her that there was something off.

She was mentally convincing herself that she had securely hidden the kids in a secret place. Finding them would be so futile and next to impossible. Charles should have a hard time figuring out the whereabouts of the children.

Leila prevented herself from averting her eyes from Charles. She thought that by keeping eye contact with him, he wouldn't notice the turmoil rising within her. That behind her serene and composed self, she was already trembling inside. Then she cautiously asked, "What do you mean?"

Charles, who seemed to be scrutinizing her face and was trying to gauge her reaction earlier, glanced briefly at his wristwatch and spoke in a slow and consciously unhurried manner, "I mean, the police are out in force today. By this time, they have broken into your house and rescued the two kids. So do you think there is still a possibility that you can go back safely?" Charles said while flaunting a wry and humorless smile.

"No! That's impossible!" Leila shrieked in total disbelief. Her mental rejection was too strong that she stood rigidly frozen. Never did she expect that Charles could be this cunning, leaving her defenseless. He met up with her here, only to create a chance for the police to save the kids.

Coming to her senses, Leila felt infuriated and screamed at him, "Charles Lu! You're such a jerk! How can you deceive me? How dare you?"

"How dare I? Of course, I dare! The lives of the children are on the line." Charles retorted in a mocking tone while shaking his head in great disapproval and added, "Leila, don't overestimate your ability."

As he watched her closely, Leila looking shattered and defeated didn't escape Charles' notice. He then asked, "Do you want to go alone or be with one of my men?"

Suddenly, several men in suits appeared behind Leila. One of them stepped near Charles and urged him, "Mr. Lu, we need to hurry up. The police are coming."

"Then go and take her away. I'll deal with the police," Charles uttered nonchalantly. His face exuded calmness.

Leila was taken away by these men. And as soon as their retreating figures were out of his sight, Charles closed his eyes momentarily and let out a sigh of relief.

Sooner than expected, the policemen arrived with Shirley. Charles became restless when he didn't see his son, Charlie. He was apprehensive when he asked the policeman, "Where is the boy?"

"Don't worry. He is alright," the policeman said grinning. "When we arrived at the scene, the boy was trying to take the girl out of the room. She was wrapped in a bed sheet. He broke his arm by accident when he fell down. Probably, he was startled by the loud crashing sound when we broke in. But the doctor said it wasn't severe," the policeman genially concluded.

"His arm was broken?" Charles instinctively asked, arching a brow. He then approached Shirley and carefully examined her. After making sure that she was all right, a rush of relief washed over him. He turned back his attention to the policeman and said, "Thank you, Sir. I'm going to see Charlie now."

"Hold on!" the officer said in a commanding tone. He suddenly remembered Leila. Charles halted on his tracks when he heard the policeman ordered him to wait and asked him, "Where is Leila? I have asked you to spare more effort than necessary to keep her, right?"

"She..." Charles stammered. Charles paused for a moment as he was mentally considering a plausible explanation. A slight frown was visibly creasing on his forehead. And he said, "I'm sorry. I've tried my best to retain her. But she's supremely devious and way too scheming that she ran away."

"What? She ran away?" the policeman countered expressing wariness. In a stare-down with Charles, he initially set aside his extremely dubious assumptions. He thoroughly scanned Charles' face trying to figure out whether he was lying or not, but he couldn't find anything.

Charles was relatively calm and composed to show any hint.

"Mr. Lu, it's such a piece of bad news for you. Unfortunately, Leila is still at large, posing a great threat to your children's safety."

"I know," Charles acknowledged and nodded slightly. Then he added, "I will be more vigilant in protecting my kids. As for Leila, I believe you can catch her one day. I'm more than positive that she will soon be apprehended."


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