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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 797

Life was not about others, but about oneself. No one else should determine one's own life.

After Sheryl left, Anthony glanced at Sue and asked with guilt in his voice, "I thought you were inside with my parents? What made you come out?"

"You should just go in and take a look." Sue forced a bitter smile and added, "They are being very combative towards each other. I did my best to try and stop them, but they were not listening to me."

"What happened?" Upon hearing that, Anthony became so worried that he rushed into the police station. Just as he stepped in, Laura was cursing Carlson while pulling his hair. She stormed, "Carlson, we have been married for so many years. I couldn't believe that you wanted to divorce me over something so trivial. Carlson, I warn you. If you dare to divorce me, I will kill myself right in front of you!"

Carlson began to get even more impatient with Laura's attitude and he yelled, "Laura, you think that threat is supposed to make me change my mind? I can assure you wholeheartedly. I want the divorce for sure. Today!"

He jeered at Laura and continued, "Our son has grown up now, so we do not have to fight for who will be taking care of the child. As of all the things in the house, I will only take what belongs to me. As far as the things that you own, I will not take a single cent."

Taking a glance at Laura, he felt that the distance between them had increased exponentially and then continued to press her, "Anyway, there is no future between us. I am not planning on living with you anymore. Let's just get the formalities taken care of as soon as possible."

"You are such an asshole!" cursed Laura in fury. "Tell me. Is it because you are bored with me and found a new love? Is that why you want the divorce so badly?"

Carlson stared at Laura and found her increasingly ridiculous. He could in no way understand where all those crazy thoughts of hers were coming from.

"Laura, you do have a brain, right? Can you at least try to think before you talk?" He sneered, "Don't you know what you should say and what you should not? Just take a look at the situation, will you?"

Thinking of her attitude towards Sheryl, he couldn't help but feel bitter and helpless. He had given up on Laura. How could a selfish person like her realize what she did wrong?

After forcing himself to calm down, he continued, "Laura, to be honest with you, what happens between us is only between us. It is not about anyone else. I just can't stand you anymore. I can't stand you being suspicious about every tiny thing everyday; I can't stand you poking your nose into Anthony's life wherever you can. I just can't stand it. He is an adult now. He can make his own decisions. Don't you think that you have inserted yourself into his business enough?

Plus…" Carlson took a pause before he continued, "You are very clear that Sheryl is Uncle Arthur's granddaughter, yet you ruined her relationship with Anthony. Is that not enough for you? It seems that you are a person that can never be satisfied. Even after that, you kept disrupting Sheryl's life. What on earth did the poor girl ever do to you? Aside from love your son? Can you imagine how guilty and embarrassed I am to even look into Uncle Arthur's eyes? Can you imagine how I feel?"

"Anthony is my son. Of course I should take care of him, especially when it comes to the issue of marriage," refuted Laura. "You worry about what Arthur thinks of us. Well, I don't. I can assure you. To make sure that Sheryl and Anthony break apart for the rest of their lives, I am willing to do whatever that it takes, much, much more than what I have already done!"


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