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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 808

Sue stood outside on the balcony, thinking for a while. The wind chill caused her goosebumps. A shower was just what she needed; so she went for it. As she walked out of the bathroom, wrapped up in a bath towel, her wet hair left a trail of water drops behind.

With another towel, she began patting her hair dry, when the warmth of a hug rendered her motionless.

Anthony's embrace was irresistible. She just loved him too much. As Anthony buried his head in her neck, Sue felt a heaviness in her heart.

Their relationship had to end. She had to end it. It was the right thing to do.

"You smell so good!" Anthony whispered. The sound of the shower and the fragrance of her conditioner woke him up. As soon as he opened his eyes, Sue's slender, half-naked body tempted him to get up right away. He kept kissing her passionately on the shoulder and neck.

It was all bitter-sweet for Sue. That morning, she had given it her all; she showed Anthony the sexiest and craziest side of her.

He enjoyed it so much that he even forgot to use a condom.

At the end of their steamy session, they were both lying in bed gasping and drenched in sweat. After resting up a bit, Anthony attempted to stand up but Sue pulled him back in bed. She asked anxiously, "Where are you going?"

"You stay here and get some rest. I'm going to buy some Plan B pills for you," Anthony explained. His tone was calm and worry-free as if nothing had happened.

However, for Sue, his answer felt like a stab through her heart. She forced a smile and felt pity for herself. She should have known that their relationship was based on sex alone. Anthony didn't want to have a baby together with Sue because he never expected a future with her.

She stared at him and insisted, "Don't worry about it. I will buy them myself later. Now we... We need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Anthony asked casually. He got back in bed and lit up a cigarette.

"Anthony," Sue began but quickly paused. She threw him a glance and hesitated to open the subject once again. She still loved him, but she had to come to a resolution.

If only that moment could last forever! She enjoyed sitting quietly next to him.

"Give me one cigarette!" Sue demanded, delaying the discussion even more. Anthony gave her a strange look but didn't argue. He handed her the cigarette and inquired, "When did you start smoking?"

"Whenever I see you smoke, you always look relaxed and content. I want to see how it makes me feel," Sue claimed. Her real reason, however, was to summon up some courage to talk. Once done smoking, she could not postpone it any longer. So she took a deep breath and turned toward Anthony.

If he could only try to love her. If he was willing to be her boyfriend, she would stay by his side regardless of Peggy's threats.

She would even cut her off from her life.

However, none of that would matter if he didn't want to be with her. So she had to find out. "Anthony, where do you see this relationship between us going?"

Anthony stiffened at the sound of her words. He didn't expect Sue to ask him such a question. He thought she was aware that there was only sex between them and nothing more.

"Why do you ask?" he questioned in an effort to avoid giving her a direct answer. Anthony was trying to tread carefully around the issue. He didn't want to hurt her.


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