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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 831

"Did you ever intend on telling me?" Sheryl was fumed at Sue. "So, if I didn't come today, you would have never told me?" Sheryl failed to contain her anger as she pointed at herself. "Am I unworthy of your trust? Do my words mean nothing?"

"I told you so many times already. This is my business." Sue sighed heavily, and pinched the bridge of her nose, frustrated at how Sheryl was reacting. Then she turned her eyes on Sheryl. "Leave. There's nothing here that concerns you."

"I can't just leave! I'm not leaving." Sheryl shook her head firmly. "As I said, I never blamed you for what happened between you and Anthony."

Sheryl then smiled wryly and added, "I… I was never in the position to blame you at all…" She glanced to the side as her eyes displayed full melancholy. "Anthony's… Anthony's been my nominal boyfriend for three years now and he's a really great guy but… I don't know… Just never fell for him. Especially when I knew he might have done something."

Sheryl then took a deep breath and gazed into Sue's eyes. "I've never harbored any feelings for him so… I want you to chase your happiness." Sheryl weakly laughed. "No one has the right to take other's happiness away from them, you know?"

"Sheryl…" Sue felt her heart ache at Sheryl's earnest words as she looked into Sheryl's eyes as well. "I know you just want to make me feel better but I…" Sue averted her gaze away from Sheryl and continued, "But I just can't help but feel sorry for you… I'm even ashamed to see you…" She then made a pause.

"I mean… You've seen my family…" Sue went on and started to rub her arm as she wore a bitter smile. "M-Maybe this is what I deserve… It's karma…"

"Hey, come on. Don't be so down in the dumps." Sheryl flashed Sue a reassuring smile and placed a hand on Sue's shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm here. I won't allow any of those people to even lay a single finger on you."

Sheryl was clueless as to why she was greatly concerned about Sue when she had decided to have a proper closure with her. But when she knew that Sue's family had antagonized her. Sheryl suddenly seemed to put the pieces together as to what Sue had done about Anthony.

Sue was silently dreaming to have a warm home of her own. She desired to be loved and cared for as that was she had lacked throughout her entire life.

This was one of the reasons why Sue was truly indignant at Sheryl for her attitude towards Anthony. Sue was incredibly offended that Sheryl had owned everything Sue had wanted, but never even batted an eye to them.

"Sher, don't be so gullible," Sue whispered to Sheryl. The profiles of her mother and her brother appeared in her mind and she felt her whole body convulse in agony. 'If only it were that easy to be with Anthony…' Sue thought with a silent smile on her face. 'But it looks like Peggy and Allen want to destroy every single dream I have…'

Peggy's and Allen's mere presence never failed to drill it against her head that she was never going to be anything more than just a woman that once resided in the mountains and that a man like Anthony was a person out of reach.

'That's why…' Sue sighed with a heavy heart. 'I'm giving up on you, Anthony.'

Taking a deep breath, Sue continued, "To tell you the truth, I was going to ask you if you could lend me a hand because I knew…"

Sue looked at Sheryl wryly and went on, "I knew that no matter what I've done, you'd always take my side and do whatever it takes to help me. But, you know, Sher?" Sue rested a hand over Sheryl's shoulder. At first, Sue couldn't look at Sheryl in the eye on account of the words she was about to say to her. But, Sue knew she had to get the message across. "I can't involve you much further in this family mess I mired." Then she glanced away from Sheryl's eyes. "I can't allow you to drag yourself down with me. Please... Just don't stick your nose in to where it isn't wanted, okay?"

"Sue, I... " Before Sheryl could even finish uttering her sentence, Sue interrupted her, "Now go." Sue made Sheryl face the door. "Get out of here before they do something to you… Even I… Even I don't know what they could do... So, just please... Go." Sheryl felt a gentle push against her back, making her tumble towards the door. Sheryl knew what Sue had tried to do but, but she wasn't going to take it. Sheryl immediately shifted her body to face Sue, and then saw Sue had already placed distance between them. "Sue, wait! I..." Sheryl dashed towards Sue, reached out her hand, and grabbed Sue by her arm. The moment Sheryl did this, she saw Sue hiss in pain. Sheryl knew something was off.

As if her body moved on its own, Sheryl slowly rolled the sleeve up and underneath the cloth revealed Sue's delicate arm covered in bruises. Sheryl made haste as she rolled the sleeves up and she knew that the bruises didn't just stop at Sue's arms. It also reached Sue's eyes.


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