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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 848

"I…" Sheryl mindlessly looked at the tender face that was before her. The woman wore make up, but she could never mistake the sincerity painted on the fair lady's face for someone else; Leila had been the same as she was three years ago.

Leila had been an innocent girl from the beginning, but she had changed a lot afterwards.

"May I ask who you want to see, please? Have you scheduled an appointment?" the receptionist had to ask Sheryl again, who was drifting off in her own thought. "I'm sorry, miss," the receptionist said before Sheryl could respond, "but if you don't have an appointment then it's best you leave right now."

"I'm not here to see anyone," Sheryl said, forgetting to gather her words more wisely. She looked at the receptionist and was about to explain, "I am here to…"

The receptionist could not help but interrupt, "Not here to see anyone?"

The receptionist could not help but to cast a judgmental glance at Sheryl. After looking at her from top to toe, she subtly rolled her eyes and said, "I think it's best if you leave now. This is not where you should be."

Sheryl frowned faintly, not missing the underlying tone of irritation in the words of the one before her. 'In a company, the receptionist is a very important position. How the receptionist treat the people will reflect the name of the company.

No matter who comes to visit the company, they must be treated with equal respect by the receptionist because the receptionist is the first employee that every person interested in the company will come in contact with. Therefore, if a company has a great receptionist, every customer will be left with a satisfying and good impression of the company. However, if they are treated in such a rude manner, no matter how well the program goes, the customers' first impression of the company will always be recollected from a bad experience, creating a bad reputation, ' thought Sheryl.

Sheryl was still not given the proper time to make herself understood since the rude receptionist once again ordered her to leave the premises, "Are you going away or not?" With an unamused face, the receptionist was determined to drive her away

and rudely told her, "This is not the place where you can just come whenever you like. Get lost!"

At this point, Sheryl's brows were tightly knitted together. She was just about to take her phone out to call Isla when an old employee who just happened to be passing by seemed to have recognized Sheryl. They stared at each other for a longer time than a person would stare at a stranger until Sheryl realized who she was and said, "Suse, do you remember me? It's been three years since we last saw each other."

The employee was still trying to recognize Sheryl, "Autumn?" Suse Shi thought she was only looking at someone who resembled Autumn but was surprised to realize that it was really who she thought it was since rumor had it that Autumn died three years ago. If the person standing before her was really Autumn and if she really was alive, it would be hard for her to believe.

Only a few people who were close to Charles knew about the truth about Sheryl's return, so it was normal that most employees had no idea that they were never really in close contact with the real story.

"Yes, it's me. Although I do go by Sheryl now. Call me Sher if you like."

Sheryl smiled warmly, relieved to see a familiar face.

Back when she was still working in the Cloud Advertising Company, Suse Shi was a competent assistant to her. Three years had already gone by, but she was still working for the company with her unwavering loyalty.

Compared to what had she looked like three years ago, she looked more mature and sophisticated; she had grown.

"Is it really you? I can't believe it!"

Suse Shi quickly walked towards Sheryl and excitedly took her hand, overwhelmed by the fact that someone she thought was dead was actually alive. She could not contain her joy and stammered, "Sheryl? What happened to you?"

Sheryl dipped her head to the side and shrugged. "It's a long story." She grinned being just as excited as her old co-worker was. However, Sheryl was still so clearly bitter about the things that happened just now. "Today, I went down here to see you, but I did not expect..."

Sheryl motioned her eyes towards the receptionist and said, "I did not expect to be questioned and rejected by the receptionist. I wasn't even given the chance to say anything. I was just given orders to leave. Is it because I don't look like a customer?"

"What's the matter?" Suse Shi glanced at the girl in the reception. She suddenly took on a serious tone and asked the receptionist with a stern look, "Why didn't you let her in?"


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