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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 850

The easy money from Mr. Bian was good news to the receptionist. She subtly rejoiced, knowing that the money was more than enough to squander, and there was no need for her to work as hard as her other colleagues to make a living.

The change was rather difficult to get used to, but as time went by, she began to get used to the comfort and even began enjoying the life she had at the company.

This easy and comfortable life she had just gotten accustomed to after all this time, however, was interrupted by a certain woman.

"What on earth do you want?" the receptionist questioned Sheryl furiously as if she could make her melt with a mere fiery glare. There weren't any other ways to dodge the trouble Sheryl brought, so she figured she should deal with it right there and then.

"I could ask you the same thing. What do you want?" Sheryl threw the question back at her. "If you leave this place now and promise to stay away, I'll let you off and pretend you were never here in the first place. I don't know, and I don't want to know what's going on between you and Mr. Bian, but if you don't take this good chance I'm giving you right now, I'll have no choice but to bring this up to Mrs. Bian. I can assure you, the next person who you'll have to answer to won't be as nice as me. By then... do you really think that Mr. Bian will spare any effort to protect you, a liability? You don't think he'll kick you away as soon as he can?"

When the receptionist heard Sheryl's threatening words, her face darkened with concern.

She was well aware that Mr. Bian would not have ended up as who he was at present without the loyal support and help from Mrs. Bian's family.

The receptionist wasn't completely foolish. If he was ever even suspected to be disloyal to his wife because of her, she knew she'd be canned on the spot without warning. After all, what was she to him, compared to his money, status, and fame? It was incomparable, in reality. Once their relationship was put under a spotlight, she would be the one to suffer.

Mr. Bian had let the relationship last as long as it did because she was more clever than most when it came to knowing her boundaries. She knew what she should and shouldn't do, how she should behave, and what lines she shouldn't cross.

When Mr. Bian needed her close, she was attached to him as the perfect little kitten. When he needed his space, she was well capable of making herself scarce and keeping a safe distance from him.

It was almost a talent in his eyes, and this quality of hers was what won her his affections.

At that moment, however, it seemed that she had no chance of escaping from Mrs. Bian's suspicions if she ignored Sheryl's advice. If Mr. Bian found out that she revealed her existence to Mrs. Bian, any little affection he had for her would be wiped away in an instant, and he would show no mercy, no matter how many years they had shared together. If she was thrown away, how would she find another sugar daddy as good as Mr. Bian, who was as generous as they came?

Weighing the possible outcomes of the options she had before her, she knew she had to give in. With a reluctant nod, she agreed to Sheryl's offer, "Alright, I will leave right away."

Sheryl smiled in satisfaction. "Smart move.

You should go now." After the whole episode, Sheryl was led by Isla into the room by her hand. She handed the freshly bought desserts to Suse. "Can you do me a favor and share these to everyone, please?"

"Sure, no problem." Suse simply nodded. After all the cakes were distributed, Suse couldn't push away her curiosity. She had to ask what had happened to Sheryl. After practically bursting into Isla's office, she immediately asked, "Autumn, what happened to you? You were gone for three years. Why?"

"Suse, I'm back now. Oh, by the way, call me Sheryl instead of Autumn, alright?" she replied with a warm grin. "Suse, I didn't expect that you would be still in the company."

"Oh please don't," Suse interrupted, her eyes turning glassy with tears threatening to fall. "When you left, I cried for what seemed like forever. I prayed for you every day. I hoped to see you safe and back with us again. I was so worried, I could barely do my work properly. Luckily, Isla was there. She helped me get on with things. And now after all that time... you're here! You just appeared again. I'm really glad you're back, Sheryl. What happened to you? Everyone was saying you were dead."

Sheryl tried to smile, albeit bitterly. "It's a really long story…" She then gave Suse a short rundown of all that happened to her, and it wasn't enough to explain everything. Even with the summary of the past three years, though, Suse was stunned by all the miseries Sheryl had suffered, and she couldn't help but let the tears fall.

"Oh no… why are you crying?" Sheryl asked, feeling somewhat helpless.

"I just feel sorry for all that has happened to you. I can't even believe… It must have been terribly difficult," she said in between sobs.


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