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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 854

Anthony didn't know how to help Sue out of this awkward situation, but he wanted to try his best. Since Sue refused to meet him, he decided to meet her family first and see whether he could figure out a solution.

Early in the next morning, he prepared a lot of gifts for the visit. He knew that Sue wasn't at home so that he could visit her family without any worries. Soon enough he arrived at her home and knocked at the door.

"Who are you?" asked Allen when he opened the door and saw a stranger standing there.

"Hello! You must be Sue's brother, right? She always talks about you." Anthony smiled. Then he asked politely, "Where is Sue? Is she at home? I need to speak to her about something."

"No, she's not home," Allen replied impatiently as he stood in the doorway with no intention of inviting him in. Seeing that Anthony wasn't about to leave, he then asked, "What did you want to tell her? I can pass the message on to her."

"I see," Anthony replied with a smile. "I'm a friend of hers. I heard that her family came to visit her recently. So I just wanted to pay a visit and get to meet you all. I brought some gifts."

"Oh! You are her friend." Allen's attitude softened when he heard that Anthony had gifts for them. He glanced at the bags with gifts and then to Anthony. "Thank you so much, Sir. It's very kind of you," he said trying to regain some manners.

"You're welcome." Anthony smiled and bid him farewell, "Please take them. I'm Sue's friend and you're her family. I hope you like the gifts. Please give her my regards and tell her I will visit her next time. Goodbye."

When Anthony was about to take his leave, suddenly a voice came from inside, "Allen, who are you talking to?"

"He says he is Sue's friend," Allen replied plainly. 'I wonder which friend comes to visit her home?' Doris thought.

Shortly after, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps and then Doris rushed out. When she saw that it was Anthony at the front door, she asked in surprise, "It's you. Why are you here?"

"Do you know him?" Allen asked in surprise.

"No," said Doris shaking her head. "But yesterday, when your mom and I went to Sue's company I saw him there."

"I see." Allen was about to close the door when he suddenly realized that Anthony was still standing there. He asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No. I'm going to leave soon," Anthony replied politely. "Yesterday I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to talk with you. I'm sorry. It was very rude of me."

"Never mind, working always keeps people running off their feet," Doris answered with a smile. The more she spoke with him, the more she took a liking to him. He was a real gentlemen, well-mannered and fine-looking. Allen was nothing like him. If only her lover was more like him, she thought, envious.

Doris sighed in her heart, but didn't show anything. "What are you doing? You Idiot! Why didn't you invite our guest inside? You are so rude!" she scorned Allen angrily.

"I... I just forgot, I didn't mean it," said Allen embarrassed.

Doris shoved him aside and invited Anthony in eagerly. "Please come in. He is such a stupid boy. You're our guest. Come in and have some tea."

"Thanks. But I had better go now. I see you are pregnant. Take care of yourself. I shouldn't disturb you," he said declining.


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