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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 860

On their way back, Sheryl couldn't help but probe Clark. She was curious to know how he felt about the decision to skip a grade. Was he looking forward to that or was he reluctant to do so? Looking into Clark's eyes, she asked in an inquisitive tone, "Clark, have you thought about what you are going to do after the IQ test? Do you plan to stay here or to skip a grade?"

"It's such an easy choice," replied Charles on behalf of his son. Even though he was driving, he still listened to the conversation behind him attentively. Feeling so proud of his smart son, Charles boasted, "Clark is my son. I know he is different from the other kids. He is so smart. Clark, don't worry. For you to skip a grade is no big deal."

"Mom, do you want me to skip a grade?" Clark ignored his dad's words, but turned to ask the opinion of his mom.

"Me?" Sheryl was startled. She thought Clark would at least respond to Charles first but didn't expect Clark to ask her instead. She knew that the best decision for him would be to skip a grade. That would help with his further studies as he didn't need to waste his time on schoolwork that was too easy for him. Meanwhile, as a mother she was also worried about whether Clark would be able to cope with the higher demands for schoolwork. With the conflicting ideas in her mind, she decided not to influence Clark's decision and replied, "Clark, you have to make your own decision. No one can decide for you, including us."

"I know that. I just want to know what your views are. Of course, I will not just take what you say. In the end, I will make my own decision after considering every factor." Clark gave Sheryl a determined look. There was a fleeting moment where she saw Charles in Clark. Just as the famous saying said, "A wild goose never lays a tame egg." It was very true.

She smiled warmly back to him. She realized that she had to tell him how she felt, so she replied, "Well if you ask me, my answer would be, no. I think you are too young for grade skipping. I'm not fully convinced about this idea. Maybe wait until you are a bit older, then I will have complete confidence in you."

Sheryl felt that she might have been too harsh and may have made him feel a bit discouraged. "But anyway, I don't want you to feel any pressure from what I said. It's just my suggestion. You have to be the one who will decide in the end," she said trying to cheer him up.

"Shirley, how about you?" Clark asked to hear his little sister's opinion, "Do you want me to stay?"

"Where are you going, Clark?" asked the little girl worried. She was still too small to make any sense of what he was asking her. She felt panicked when her brother asked her if she wanted him to stay. She thought that her brother was going to go away.

"Clark might be leaving kindergarten and going on to primary school," explained Sheryl patiently. "If he skips a grade, he will have to go to another school, and then he can't go to kindergarten with Shirley everyday."

"I don't want Clark to go. I want to go to school with Clark," cried Shirley. When she heard that Clark might go to another school without her, she held his hands tightly and didn't want to let go.

Clark felt sad to see Shirley crying and wanting him to stay with her at the same school. He was so overwhelmed by his love for his little sister that his desire to skip a grade was overthrown because of it. "Don't worry Shirley. I'm not going anywhere. I have decided that I'm going to stay with Shirley," confirmed Clark.

It was rather strange that this pair of twins who shared the same blood were so different in terms of personality. The brother was so mature while the sister was so innocent.

Charles knew that Clark meant what he said. Stealing a glance at Clark from the rear view mirror, he confirmed with his son, "Clark, so this is your final decision?"

"Yes," Clark replied firmly. "Since both mom and Shirley want me to stay, then I'll stay here for some time. I'll make my decision later after Shirley gets used to the life in kindergarten and is independent enough to go to school alone."

"Since this is what you want to do, I respect your decision," Charles said nodding. Though he was a small kid, Clark doted on Shirley. He was caring and willing to do anything to make Shirley happy, even it meant his own sacrifice. Clark was extremely protective of his little sister and his father sometimes felt that Clark was even more protective of her than he was as her dad.

"Charles," Sheryl called out. Although Shirley, still didn't fully understand the significance behind the talk, she was content that Clark would still be with her and that was all she cared about. However, Sheryl still worried. She knew that the decision Clark had made wasn't for himself but for Shirley. She wasn't satisfied with leaving it at that. "Charles, I think we should get a home tutor. That way, Shirley can still be with him and he can still advance his learning."

"Okay, that's a good idea," Charles agreed with a nod.


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