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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 916

Coral went into the bathroom and took a shower. However, the mild water didn't make her feel comfortable and relaxed at all. She could feel that something wasn't right but couldn't figure out what exactly was going on. She was worried about what might happen to Sheryl. Sheryl might face a really bad consequence soon and she just couldn't help growing more and more unsettled about it. She couldn't even stop herself from thinking about it over and over. After a long while of consideration, she finally made up her mind that she should do something to help Sheryl. Otherwise, she might not get away with it herself if something terrible happened to Sheryl.

Coral had always been envious that Sheryl could easily get everything she dreamed of without making any efforts. However, she never resigned herself to that fact. Instead, she recognized Sheryl as her target, the one she had to defeat.

Thus, Sheryl's existence had been the reason for Coral to strive for excellence. She even unconsciously regarded that sort of jealousy as her motivator to work hard.

However, she got to realize how eager she was to fulfill her goal and that she started doing things by hook or by crook. She also thought that she shouldn't be taking any advantage of anyone simply out of envy. She couldn't sacrifice Sheryl's integrity to fulfill her ego. After all, a girl's reputation meant a lot!

Thinking of this, Coral couldn't wait to jump out from the bathtub, got herself prepared and then headed to where Sheryl was kept.

It was late at night. Sheryl and Susan were kept in the same room and there were two tough men in black standing outside. Although Sheryl and Susan were told that the two men were arranged to protect them, they both knew deep inside that they were actually kept under house arrest.

With a stern look, Coral arrived before the two security guys. Considering that the men knew who she was, she planned not to ask for their permission. She attempted to be composed and straightly enter. However, when she was approaching the door, two stout arms just stretched out from both sides before her and prevented her from taking a step forward. "You are not allowed to get in. What are you doing at this late hour?"

one of the two men in black asked her in a suspicious tone.

Coral got a little scared. She took a step back and almost lost her balance. The man's biting looks clearly made her feel nervous. "I..." she stammered, at a loss for words. She couldn't find a way to explain herself. All she had thought of was to come over to Sheryl and try to give her a hand if necessary. She'd never expected that there would be two tough guys waiting outside the room. Now she really was in trouble.

"If you don't have access into the room, please leave now. This is not where you are supposed to come," the other men said flatly.

"I am here for Sheryl. I need to talk to her." Coral managed to calm herself down and continued to reply in a solemn tone, "Miss Ye knows this."

The two looked at each other and hesitated for a while. Just a few seconds after, they finally made up their mind. They looked at Coral again, changed their tone and claimed in a fairly polite way, "All right, please don't stay too long."

Coral silently thanked all the gods for her quick wits. It was really risky to claim something like that in this sort of scenario. It was evident that the two guards' doubt quickly melted away at Holley's name. Thus, Coral was allowed to enter Sheryl's room very easily.

Inside the room, Susan kept pacing out due to concern. Her panic was almost driving her out of her mind. She couldn't help repeating the very same question inside her head. In the end, she turned to Sheryl, who was trapped in the same room with her and asked, "Sher, we are stuck in this room and unable to call someone to give us a hand. What should we do now?"

She continued to act anxiously. She was at a complete loss while walking in the room back and forth.

"How did Miss Ye change into a totally different person? It is hard to compare who she is now to the way she used to act before." Susan just kept moving. There were some times when she paused to complain. It was her way to vent her stress and tension out.

"Can you stop it? You keep pacing back and forth and I can't stand it anymore. What you're doing is making me nervous too." Sheryl felt helpless and addressed Susan in an impatient tone, "Can't you just sit down and keep silent for a little while?"

"How do you think I can settle down?" Susan doubted humorlessly and continued, "Don't you understand what kind of situation we are in? There are two tough guys in black out there! What do you think they are standing outside for? They are sent by Miss Ye to keep an eye on us. We are being kept under house arrest. If we just sit here doing nothing, we will be doomed to..."

Susan couldn't understand how Sheryl stayed so composed. Trying to get Sheryl to know what sort of case they were in, she suddenly stopped and approached Sheryl. She looked at Sheryl and was wondering whether Sheryl could come up with an idea. Thus, she asked her hopefully, "Sher, you must have something in your mind. Tell me, what should we do right now?"

Seeing Sheryl was still quiet, Susan added, "Don't be hesitant. Say what's in your mind. I will agree with it."

"How can I come up with something when you are so noisy? My mind is in a complete mess right now." Sheryl felt really mad at Susan.

What Sheryl had just said made Susan's anxiety even worse. She felt so disappointed. She said in despair, "You mean... you also have no idea what to do?".


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