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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 919

Sheryl was about to follow the other models as they boarded the bus when Holley suddenly pulled her hand back and offered, "Sher, don't squeeze into that bus. Ride with me in my car instead. You're too beautiful to be stuck in a crowded bus."

Susan, still holding Sheryl's hand, looked at Holley nervously. Holley jeered at her and coldly said, "Don't worry. I'm not going to eat your Sher."

Sheryl could tell that Holley had something to tell her personally. Since it was between her and Holley, she didn't want to get Susan involved. She patted Susan on the back and assured her, "No worries. Go ahead and get on the bus."

After some hesitation, Susan finally heeded and boarded the bus with the other models. Holley was clearly annoyed by Susan's attitude towards Sheryl and scoffed, "I didn't expect you to have such a loyal friend here."

Sheryl merely stared back at her without replying.

After the bus started moving, the car that Holley and Sheryl was in just followed, carefully keeping a reasonable distance from it. After an awkward period of silence, Holley couldn't suppress her curiosity any longer and broke the silence. "Why don't you beg me to let you go?" In Holley's mind, Sheryl shouldn't have been acting so composed as she was in that moment.

"Beg you?" Sheryl didn't bother hiding her disdain in her words. "Is it of any use to beg you?"

"Why don't you try it?" Holley's eyes turned mischievous. All those years she had been waiting for that moment, the moment Sheryl would push aside her self-esteem and self-respect, bow down her proud head, and beg her. She wanted to walk all over the other woman and gain full control of her fate. Sheryl would be a timid mouse in front of a fierce cat—she had nowhere to escape.

"You've put in so much effort. I know it's impossible for you to give up just because I beg you. You won't let me go even if I get down on my knees before you." Sheryl glared at Holley with ice-cold eyes, as if she could see right through her and into her mind. "So, why would I waste my time doing something that won't get me anywhere?"

"You…" Holley started, beyond annoyed. It seemed that Sheryl won that little round. Holley's sense of superiority and victory immediately subsided when she heard Sheryl's calm words. She quickly swallowed down the feeling of defeat and tried to regain her confidence by convincing herself that Sheryl would soon face the harsh reality. With a disdainful look, she threatened the idle woman, "You're too proud for someone too close to her fate. I'm curious to find out whether you'll still have that proud look on your face after tonight, especially when you meet Charles. That will be interesting. I can't wait to see that."

"Have I hurt or displeased you before?" Sheryl asked Holley out of curiosity. She couldn't think of any reason why Holley was so dead set on taking her down. She thought it could be money, but money alone wasn't enough to explain Holley's unique treatment towards her compared to any other girl. Sheryl even had Charles backing her up, so it seemed that Holley wasn't afraid of Charles in the least, and even wanted him to suffer as well. It had to be something personal.

"No," Holley answered, barely hiding the roaring hatred in her eyes.

"Then… did I know you in the past?" It was so puzzling.


"Then I'm confused. Why do you target me like this?" Sheryl was dumbfounded and just wanted to understand what all that Holley had done to her was for. "After you came back, you purposely tried to get close to me. Everything you've done has already put me in a dire situation. You set a trap for me and succeeded. If I didn't know you from the past and haven't caused you any trouble, I don't get it. Why do you do this to me?"

"You don't need to get it." Holley didn't even bother addressing the other woman's doubt. "I just don't like you. I don't like your arrogant face. George and I have treated you well, but you choose to leave us when we need you the most. Since you're not appreciative of our kindness, I'll pay you back with cruelty instead. It just so happened that someone pointed your name out with a price that I couldn't resist. It came so naturally, so why would I say no to him?"

Holley paused for a moment to see if Sheryl believed her story but she couldn't make anything out from the other's emotionless face. The excuse continued, "Sheryl, the only one you should blame is yourself, not me. I've been nice to you, but you're not nice to me. You reap what you sow. Understand?"

"You're similar to someone I once knew," Sheryl suddenly remarked. All the while, Sheryl was closely observing the face, action, and tone of the ruthless woman in front of her. The more Holley spoke, the stronger Sheryl's suspicion grew that Holley was someone she had known from her past. Holley's heartbeat seemed to stop as she heard it, but she managed to grab on to her calm facade without saying anything. Her fists were clenched so tight that her palms were turning pale.

"That person is my younger sister. We're half-sisters on my mother's side. Three years ago, she was sent to prison but disappeared since then. Someone said she went abroad and transformed her face and identity. Her name is Yvonne. Do you know her?" With a strong suspicion that Holley was indeed her sister, Yvonne, she spoke the name to see if it would evoke any reaction from her.


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