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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 944

"I dare you to continue laughing like that!" Sheryl felt so awkward and irritated. She would not allow Isla to keep talking about that nonsense anymore. She rolled her eyes towards her as a warning. "If I knew you would laugh at me like that, I definitely would have not told you."

Isla felt a little threatened to see Sheryl's annoyed face, so she tried her best to stop laughing. Despite her great efforts, she couldn't contain the feelings on her facial expression. Her lips still curled up and her eyes twinkled. Finally, she gave up and commented, "Anyway, I really admire how patient Mr. Lu has been to put up with all of that."

"Fine. You are mocking at us and you're doing it on purpose. I need you to get out right now. Get out!" Sheryl felt really embarrassed that she made Isla leave the kitchen. She needed a little time to cool herself off. She stood by the counter and tried to clear her head. After a few minutes, she finally took a deep breath and then set out to cook.

Sheryl was all covered with sweat after she finished cooking. She immediately headed to the bathroom to wash up. It was already time for dinner. Hence, Nancy started to set the table and then proceeded to serve the dishes one by one. Sheryl came out of the bathroom and saw Charles talking with Cary in the living room. They were too busy to see her approaching. She didn't want to intrude, so she stood silently behind them for a while before she finally interrupted, "Charles, Cary, it's time for dinner. Why don't you just continue your discussion after dinner?"

"Good idea." Hearing Sheryl's soft voice, Charles couldn't help but smile warmly as he tilted his head to acknowledge her presence. Cary also responded in a very pleased tone, "It's a rare opportunity to taste your cooking, Sheryl. I am so grateful that you take the trouble to make us dinner tonight. I just can't wait to try those dishes." He took a glimpse at the table fully set for them.

Sheryl felt very pleased when she heard Cary's remark. However, she reminded herself to stay humble to his compliment. She replied with a polite smile, "You're welcome, Cary. You really deserve this. I am the one who should be grateful for the big favor you did for me in M City before."

Not too long after, everyone gathered around the dinner table and was ready to enjoy dinner. Most of them were couples who sat and talked with each other. Cary felt a little out of place, which made him lose his appetite. He tried his best to stay calm until he couldn't do it anymore. He finally complained to Sheryl, "Sheryl, where is the girl who was beside you when we met the other day? Did you not invite her? If she would turn up today, I'd be so lucky to have a partner to talk with. It seems that everyone else at this table has someone except for me. All I can do now is to sit here and silently watch how these lovers explicitly show their affection." Cary changed his expression to that of a ridiculously sad man to stress his point.

Sheryl couldn't help but burst into laughter in a reserved voice. Noticing Cary's expression, she immediately covered her ill-mannered face and teased, "You can rest assured that we will try our best to be considerate of your feelings. You can also just ignore us and focus on your meal. Please enjoy the food as much as you can."

Charles looked at Cary in disbelief. He called to get his attention with a stern face, "Stop joking. I have a lot of important things to discuss with you after dinner."

The dinner was held to celebrate Sheryl's agreement to finally move into Dream Garden. Everyone invited was familiar with Sheryl and Charles' love story. Thus, they all sat around the table peacefully and spoke their minds without any inhibitions. One of them even boldly commented on how torturous the couple's relationship had been. Laughter filled the room. Everyone was mocking them for taking too long before they finally got together, which was regarded as a waste of time. Charles was manly enough to tolerate such commentaries but Sheryl clearly got bashful.

However, what made her more embarrassed was that Chris even urged them to have another baby, claiming that it would be good to give Shirley and Clark a new sibling. She felt speechless. She was not sure if that should make her laugh or cry.

Sheryl really had enough of their nonsense talk. To make it worse, her exhaustion with Susan's case also made her lose her appetite.

After dinner, Charles took Cary and locked themselves at the study room for some private conversation.

Sheryl perched herself onto the sofa just next to Isla. She watched them go into the study room. She couldn't help but feel concerned as she closely kept an eye at the closed door.

"Sher, I was talking to you. Didn't you hear me? Why didn't you respond?" Isla patted her on the shoulder. Isla realized that while she was talking, Sheryl was not even paying attention to a single word that she said. She got really irritated.

"What did you just say?" Sheryl snapped back to reality and felt sorry that she didn't know what had happened.

Isla got infuriated and almost burst out of anger. She took a deep breath to calm herself down before she spoke again, "I'm saying that the project will come to an end. I plan to pay the company a visit to have a check for that project. Will you come with me tomorrow?"

She grabbed Sheryl by the hand and advised, "Now that you have left BM Corporation, you'd better get back to work as soon as possible."

"Sounds like a good idea!" Sheryl nodded though she still had second thoughts about it. She agreed with the idea since she had nothing to do in Dream Garden. It would be better for her to find something to keep herself busy.

"So I assume you've agreed." Isla was trying to make sure of it. At this moment, the door opened and Charles walked out with Cary. Sheryl immediately jumped at her feet upon seeing them. She walked towards Charles and asked him anxiously, "How did it go?"


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