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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 949

"You know, I am perfectly fine with my girlfriend being a model, but my parents don't agree with my point of view. They disapprove of our relationship and I just can't figure out how to change their minds. The only thing I can think of is to come and ask for your advice. I know you'll be able to think of something to get me out of this situation," Cary said with a forced smile on his face. Then he continued, "George, you're one of my good friends and I'm counting on you. You'll help me, right?"

George smiled bitterly and said, "I understand. Even in these modern times, love means nothing when it comes to keeping up with reputation. Parents pay a big role in children's love relationship, especially in families like ours. Without their consent and blessing, it's hard to go through with marriage even if we can afford it. It's such a helpless, frustrating situation."

He was thinking of his own relationship with Holley. Despite the fact that they had been together for many years, his mother still refused to even consider Holley as his future wife, and kept dropping hints for him to find a "proper girlfriend".

Then he focused on his friend sitting in front of him and gave him a warm smile. "Well, you came to the right place! You know I'll do whatever I can do to help with your situation."

Cary grinned back at him with relief. Then George gave Cary a curious look and said, "If I remember correctly, you never showed any interest in girls back when we were in college. All the girls were afraid to even talk to you because you looked so fierce and unfriendly! I wonder what kind of woman managed to win your heart."

"I'm pretty sure you know her already," Cary said, with an odd look on his face. He put down the cup in his hand and leaned on the edge in his seat, as if he wanted to share a big secret with George. Then he announced, "I'm dating Susan."

"What did you say?" George couldn't have been more shocked if Cary had suddenly punched him in the face. His entire body stiffened and his heart immediately started beating fast like he had just finished a race. He asked in disbelief, "You're dating Susan? You're joking, right?"

"Why would I be joking?" Cary scoffed and asked, "Do I look like I'm kidding? I have never been more serious in my life."

"But...I don't understand," George shook his head slightly. He tilted his head to one side with his brows furrowed in confusion. He asked in a baffled tone, "How in the world did you end up with Susan? Is she really your girlfriend?"

"Why not? Is there anything wrong with us being together? Don't tell me you share the same old-fashioned thoughts as my parents," mocked Cary. It was obvious he was annoyed by George's reaction. He scoffed and asked, "Well? Do you disapprove of our relationship, too?"

He paused for a few beats and gave a disparaging smile. "Don't worry. You're not going to lose any money. I won't take advantage of the fact that we're old college buddies. I'll repay you for all of your losses, every single cent. You have my word."

"No, that's not what I'm thinking of. Don't misunderstand me." George looked at Cary guiltily. He was already imagining the headache that was about to come. Not so long ago, he had had a massive fight with Holley when he made the decision to approve Sheryl's resignation without consulting her first. To make things worse, until now Holley still didn't realize that he had done that for her sake, with her best interests in mind. Now he had an almost identical situation on his hands.

He knew that if he agreed to release Susan from the corporation, there would be another huge issue. Their relationship was still slightly chilly from the resulting row from Sheryl's departure and he really didn't want to stir up the mess further. But Cary was a good friend and had never asked him for any help before, making it hard to turn him down. He felt like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" asked Cary in an innocent tone. He could guess what was going through George's mind but feigned ignorance.

"Cary, look. It's like this..." George frowned slightly and hesitated for a long while, trying to figure out how to phrase his words. Finally he continued, "If it was anything else, I would bend over backwards to help you. But on this issue... I can't promise you anything." He heaved a deep sigh with a helpless look on his face.

"Is that so?" Cary smiled thinly. He hadn't really expected George to agree to his request, but since he had come all the way, he decided to continue with his effort. He tried to provoke George, saying, "Come on, you're the boss of BM Corporation. Are you telling me you can't make a decision on such a small matter? If you can't, then who really holds the power in this company?"

George squirmed, just as Cary had expected him to. He looked at Cary but avoided eye contact, saying, "I can't make the call about Susan because she works under Holley's management. She is my fiancee and I respect her opinions and style of handling her staff. And besides that, Holley has quite a nasty temper. If I give Susan the green light to leave the company, she'll definitely give me a hard time when she finds out."

George gave a brittle smile as he considered the risks. Then he told Cary, "Well, I suppose I can try to discuss it with Holley. If I can persuade her to release Susan, I'll have her process it as soon as possible. That's the most I can do for you, buddy."

"George..." Cary sat a little bit straighter and said lightly, "To be honest, that's not the only reason why I'm here today. There's actually another thing I need to talk to you about."

"Something else? What is it?" George asked curiously.

Cary cleared his throat and got straight to the point. "Susan is still receiving treatment in the hospital. She kept insisting that it was an accident but it looks more serious to me. Can you please tell me exactly what happened? I believe you have a clearer idea of the incident than I do. And if you don't, then please ask your beloved fiancee about it on my behalf."


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