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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 951

Holley claimed that she had nothing to do with Susan's accident, but George knew she was responsible.

He thought back to that day... He and Holley had a fight. Angrily, she left him and drove away. Afraid that something might happen to her, he followed Holley in his car.

He saw Holley hit Susan with her car and drive off. He was the only one around that helped Susan. He sent her to the hospital, and begged her not to sue his girlfriend.

In fact, he wanted to give Holley a chance. Once she owned up to the fact she hit Susan, he would protect her at any cost.

But she denied it calmly every time. All of a sudden, it dawned on him that she might had deceived him with her innocent eyes many times.

When she lied, she showed no worry. She acted as if she were telling the truth.

That was when George found that he didn't really know Holley. Even though they slept together every day, he didn't know who she really was.

He hated to admit that. But deep inside he knew it was true. There were two voices fighting each other in his mind.

The next day, Susan was discharged from the hospital. Sheryl came to her ward early in the morning and helped her with her things.

Watching Sheryl pack up her stuff, Susan felt sorry for her. She said she could handle it herself and told her to take a breather.

Sheryl said okay, but didn't stop gathering up her clothes and other things.

After filling out the discharge papers, Susan's father took Sheryl's arm and they walked to a corner. Jeremy asked Sheryl for Cary's number. Sheryl was confused, but she did as he asked. With a cheerful expression, Jeremy gave Cary a call.

Cary was in a meeting when his phone started to buzz. Giving his cell phone a quick look, he found it was an unfamiliar number. He thought about ignoring the call, but since his phone kept ringing, he knitted his brows and answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Cary Su?" Jeremy gushed with a broad smile on his face. "I'm Susan's dad."

"Hello, Uncle," Cary said, as he recognized who was on the phone.

"Busy now?" Cary asked. No matter what Jeremy said, Susan refused to give him Cary's number. At last, he got this from Sheryl.

"Of course not," Cary replied immediately. "What's on your mind?"

"I'll get straight to the point," Jeremy responded with a loud laugh. "Here is the thing. Susan's coming home from the hospital today, so we are gonna throw a little party for her. You have time to drop by and eat with us? You helped my daughter a lot, so we want to treat you to a meal."

He paused to let this sink in. Then he said, "I mentioned to Susan's mother that you might come, so she bought lots of food. If you go home hungry, it's your fault."

Cary scowled at the invitation. He had a ton of things to deal with, and he intended to work overtime.

But Jeremy called him personally, and he didn't know how to say no gracefully.


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