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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 975

"Shut up!" Heron flared, mad that he couldn't change Helin's mind. Looking at his daughter, he couldn't help but sneer. He said sternly, "So, do you still believe that man is a good guy? I am your father. Do you think I will hurt you?"

Helin remained silent, which only could mean that her answer was a "yes".

Heron frowned and then gave her a sardonic smile. "Good. I will let you see the true colors of the man you fancy so much," he continued.

He grabbed her wrist and urged, "Go with me. Don't you want to know what kind of person he is? I will let you know whether Roger deserves you doing so much for him."

With a look of alarm at her father, Helin gave a yelp of surprise. "Where are we going?" she asked, her voice full of shock.

"Don't you want to marry Roger?" Heron snorted and sneered again, "I will take you to him. You'll know his true feelings for you."

He led Helin into his office and opened the door to the lounge. Gruffly, he told her, "stay here. Roger will be here soon."

Heron was so used to taking little naps there in the lounge that he couldn't have imagiend that it would serve multiple purposes, including being where he would show his daughter what kind of man Roger was.

Helin stared at him. "What are you doing?" she asked him impatiently.

Heron just scoffed, "You will know."

Then he left, slamming the door shut behind him. Once he was gone, Helin threw herself on the bed and closed her eyes. Her head was still dizzy and buzzing from having drunk too much the night before, and it only worsened after a short rest.

A few minutes later, she heard some noises outside the room. When she recognized Roger's voice, she hurried to the door and pressed her ear up against it.

Thankfully her father's office had no soundproof mechanics, so she could easily eavesdrop on his and Roger's conversation.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. He?" Roger asked.

"Have a seat," Heron said. "Would you like coffee or tea?"

"No thanks," Roger replied in an unemotional voice as he sat across from his boss. "Let's cut to the chase. No one is watching us. No need to act," he continued.

"Mr. Han, you are an outspoken person." Heron snorted.

Roger didn't respond or retort.


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