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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 45


Hunter held out the box of Cereal towards me but I continued to stare at him. He looked much more built than before, his shoulders were broad and I could see the hard outline of his chest as it rose and fell. His golden-brown hair used to be shorter, the curls had grown out of control and he had a bit of stubble.

My stomach took a flight of butterflies and I felt like my legs were going to give up.

I missed him. So much.

“I won’t hurt you.” He assured me. “I just want to talk.”

And I couldn’t believe that he was telling me the truth. Contrary to what he’d said, Hunter seemed to have every intention of hurting me.

And I didn’t mean physically but mentally. I could feel it. He wanted to break me until I was crying, apologizing, groveling at his feet. I had never been scared of him, but right now I had every reason to be. He wanted to make me suffer in the worst possible way.

A shiver ran down my body thinking about his intentions.

He was the same Hunter, and yet he was different. Reviving him had its own downsides.

I didn’t even realize when I started shaking.

He touched my shoulder and suddenly he was breathing erratically, holding his head in his hands. This was my chance to run, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t leave when he was in such pain.

He was breathing hard and I didn’t know what to do. “Should I call an ambulance?”

And then just like that, it stopped. He appeared to have become normal, the pain had subsided. His breathing had become stable. I stopped there with him for a while, it seemed like he was trying to compose his thoughts. He looked everywhere but me, lost in a complete daze. He looked alright, and I knew that was my clue to leave so I started walking away.

“We’re not finished here.” He barked from behind me.

Before I could dash away, he charged forward towards me. Forcefully, he grasped my hand. His smoldering gray eyes looked directly at me, his jaw was set hard. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Well?” He seethed, “what’s wrong, Blue? If you thought you were going to fool around with a human for a few months, play marriage and fucking leave, well, I have bad news for you because that shit ain’t happening.”

My neck broke into a cold sweat.

He remembers!

I only understood “fool around” and “play marriage.” I didn’t understand the rest of his words.

“How do you remember?” I asked.

“I remember each and every damn thing, Sweetheart.” He said the word “sweetheart” like a taunt. “How I found you, how we fell in love, how I married you...” he brought his face close to mine, his eyes menacing slits, “how I made you come several times each day. I recall everything.”

My cheeks burned and he chuckled, mockingly. “Shocked? Well, I have some more. I remember dying and you...” he pointed an accusing finger at me, “You brought me back from the dead!”

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I tried to blink them away. “Hunter...”

“You expect me to express my gratitude for saving my life?” He demanded, walking into my space. “You don’t deserve it because you sure left me there all confused and without a trace of a memory. I don’t think that warrants a “thank you” card, right?”

“I didn’t have a choice.” I choked.

“Of course you did!” He spat with venom in his tone.

“You died because of me, I killed you,” I said holding a hand over my heart because the thought of Hunter dying again was insufferable. “I had to do something to bring you back. I’m so sorry.”

“Are you sure you know what you’re sorry for?” He asked, his blazing hot gaze pining me, “You should be sorry and that’s not for causing the accident. You should be sorry for bringing me back to life and then leaving me alone to deal with all of this.”

I sobbed silently.

He caught my chin between his fingers and willed me to look into his face. “Do you have any idea about how many nights I have spent without sleeping, looking, searching for someone who I didn’t even know?! Do you realize how hard this was on me?”

I gave him a nod.

“Bullshit!” He snarled and I flinched.

“Excuse me, ma’am, is there a problem here?” A store employee was standing beside me, throwing looks between Hunter and me. He didn’t like Hunter’s behavior.

“I’m talking to my wife. There’s no problem here.” Hunter told her without taking his eyes off me.

The intensity in his gray eyes gave me goosebumps.

If this person didn’t leave, I didn’t trust Hunter to remain calm. Right now the way he was, he could start a storm or a hurricane, maybe even punch through a mountain without a problem. His anger was blazing hot.

“Miss?” She asked me nervously.

“I’m fine,” I assured her with a smile.

Hunter looked at my trolley and then began dumping the contents into his trolley without asking. His mother and Hannah had warned me about his possessive streak countless times, but I had never encountered it until now.


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