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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 48


I pressed my lips to hers; I angled Blue’s face in such a way that I could properly kiss her. Devour her mouth, I did. Seconds later she was moaning and squirming under my onslaught. Kissing her was hard since her bulging stomach came between us.

My tongue ran a path from her ear down to her collarbone. She closed her eyes, sighing as I licked and nibbled her.

I held her face leveled with mine, “You.” I breathed. “You tortured me for months just because you were scared that something would happen to me again? Well, guess what? That’s life and you can’t do anything about it.”

“I’m sorry...Hunter...” her voice seemed pained and before she could mumble more apologizes I brought her mouth down to mine again, drinking her, practically kissing the hell out of her. Her fingers ran through my hair softly.

“I’m so needy right now, I can’t even think straight,” I whispered to her.

And that was the truth. Sitting here, confessing that she still had the same feelings and desires for me had ignited a new fire inside me that wouldn’t be sated until I have had my fill of her.

I unzipped her dress and pulled it down to her stomach. She wasn’t even wearing a bra, her perfect round breasts appeared to be tender and full due to her pregnancy. I salivated from the sight of it. Without a word, I lowered my head to her nipple and sucked hard. My tongue circled around it until I heard her cry and her fingers tightened in my hair. I let go of one nipple with a pop sound to take the other breast into my mouth. I covered my large hands over her breasts, and they fit in my palm like they were made for me. Her eyes were filled with desire.

I shed my clothes and began taking off her dress when she caught the fabric and shook her head.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, panic rising in my chest. The dress was bunched up to her belly and she wouldn’t let me take it completely off. “Tell me what’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“It doesn’t look nice. My stomach, I mean. It looks like a giant egg.”

I laughed despite the fact that I was fucking horny. “I don’t mind, really. Now come on, let’s take it off.”

She shook her head more vigorously. “I don’t look beautiful.”

My patience was running thin. “Take it off and I’ll tell you what you look like. Let me see it, baby.”

“Do...do all husbands look at their wives naked bellies?”

“Yes, they do and not just the bellies but everything else too.”

She gave me a reluctant nod still unsure about this. Ignoring her discomfort, I reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it upward not understanding what the big deal was about.

She sat there naked and looking shy as I stared at her protruding belly. It was strange looking at Blue like this; beautiful and pregnant with my child. The possessive streak inside me riled up, and I pulled her down on the carpeted floor with me with her sitting in my lap sitting sideways. I spent a few more minutes tasting her mouth because apparently, I couldn’t get enough of her.

I’d been confused and celibate for the past six months. Give me a break!

I told her to lie down on the plush carpet and she complied, the blush creeping up on her cheeks as she peered at me.

I laughed. “What are you so nervous about? You look gorgeous, Blue.”

“You’re just saying that to make me happy.” She complained.

“It’s the truth.” I caressed her round belly. “You’re the most attractive woman to me. I was hard the minute I saw you on my porch.”

Which was true.

I wasn’t even surprised that I’d died committing a sin. Blue legit looked like an angel fallen from the heaven. So if I was published for soiling someone so pure, then yeah, I had it coming.

I reached for her panties and slid it off her ankles, spreading her legs wide. I kneeled between them, touching the glistening folds. As soon as I touched her, she responded with a moan, “I’ve wanted this so much.”

“I’m going to fuck you really slow, baby. Real slow.” I whispered. “If you’re uncomfortable, speak.”

She gave me a nod, but her eyes remained closed. I wasn’t going to lean down or put my body pressure on her so I slowly entered her body. Her eyes shot open. My thrusts were slow and languid and I knew that was the best because I was literally drawing out the orgasms from her. Blue’s moans were melodious and reverberated through the living area walls.

Thank god there were no servants in the house and thank god the neighbors had gone for a vacation. Leslie could enjoy the show if he wanted but normally he cared less.

I planted my hands on either side of her, still kneeling and fucked my beautiful wife senseless. I was so needy, so very needy, it could have been embarrassing.

Just the fact that she’d gotten pregnant with my child made me giddy with happiness, and the possessiveness I had for her, increased million times over. We were going to have a baby.

We. Us.

And it was probably very selfish of me to think this way but since we were going to have a baby, I didn’t think she could leave me now. Like fucking ever! And that made me so goddamn happy.

“Hunter...” She whispered.


“I love you.” She cried.

The thrusts turned long and deep and I heard my own groans and grunts matching her sweet cries of ecstasy as I spilled inside her after what felt like forever. My forehead was matted with sweat, and I felt sated after such a long time.

“I love you, too.” I placed kisses all over her face.

I didn’t doubt Blue’s love for me. She loved me enough to bring me back from the dead.

This second life that she’d given me, it was a gift that I intended to cherish. Every single day was important to me now.

* * *

We had dinner together that night and I helped her arrange her things back in our room. Some of her things still seemed to be stored where she and Adrian were staying. She had the keys to that apartment and told me that she needed me to pick them up for her. I tried not to feel jealous about her living with that merman for over six months because that was a lot of time for her to be staying alone with a man.

“What did you two do all day?” I blurted out, instantly wishing my mouth came with a filter.


“Adrian and you,” I said.

“Would you be mad if I confessed to something?” She asked. Uncertainty was clear in her expressions.

My gaze lingered on her as she twisted and untwisted the frill of her dress. When she did that, she was usually nervous and that made me anxious.

I placed the box on the floor and gave her an assuring smile, “I promise I won’t be mad.”

“Well, Adrian had to take up a job because we were staying at a really cheap apartment and while he was at work, I used to...”

With Blue I had to practice patience all the time. “You used to what, Blue?”

She looked a little ashamed as she told me. “I used to follow you around.”

“You followed me?”

She batted her eyes, looking everywhere else but me. “Well, I didn’t mean to but I was always curious what you were doing or if you regained your memories.” Guiltily she added, “I stood outside your window sometimes, just trying to get a glimpse of you.”

Chapter 48 1

Chapter 48 2


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