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The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage) novel Chapter 4

Wild Child POV.

It is nice to see Sophie talking and laughing with Harmony. She is even holding baby Faith, and it does something to me, seeing my woman with the baby in her arms as she coos at her.

“It looks good on her.” My mom says from behind me and I turn my head and look at her with a smile and nod my head in agreement. It does look good on Sophie. She is so gentle yet so confident with Faith in her arms as she feeds her a bottle.

“Yeah, it does. One day, I hope the next baby in her arms will be ours.” I say and my mom chuckles and I realise I said that out loud.

“Well, you never know. There is something I wanted to speak to you about. It is about Sophie.” She says and I turn to face my mom and she is relaxed so I know it isn’t anything bad.

“Ok, go on.” I say to her as she looks from me to the scene in front of us and smiles gently and then looks back at me.

“Sophie is stronger than we give her credit for. I know she fights. I also think she can more than handle herself. So I am not asking you for permission, I’m telling you. I will be training with her. Sophie and I have a lot in common. The fact her survival instinct took hold when she was sixteen tells me more than I need to know. She needs an outlet for all that pent up pain.” She tells me and I sigh, knowing she is right.

“What are you planning on doing? What training? You aren’t turning her into a mini version of you.” I say to her and she gasps playfully before she pouts like I’ve just took away her ice cream.

“As if I would do that. Give me some credit, son.” She smirks and I know that smirk. She may not turn her into a little assassin, but she will give her the tools.

“She fights in the octagon, correct?” She asks me and I nod my head.

“Yeah, but not in competition. Just training. Why?” I ask her and she nods her head like she is having an inner conversation with herself. Or a staff meeting, as she calls it.

“She is pretty handy with a blade as well. I plan on helping her find her sense of normal. People who have been abused and escaped are constantly in fight of flight mode, long after they have escaped. I can help her be prepared. You know I can. So if, after all her training, she can take me down, then she is ready to go against anyone. I won’t train her like I do with my girls because my girls serve a purpose. Sophie, even though she knows the basics, it won’t harm her to learn new things. Especially if it keeps her alive.” She tells me and I think about everything she is saying.


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