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The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife (Isabella Thompson) novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 They Were Found

However, when he spun around, he only glimpsed the sides of the woman and kid.

The boy was little and walked closely next to the woman with his short legs. The woman had slowed her pace, so it wasn’t hard for him to catch up with her.

The woman looked slim, even a little bit fragile. Most of her small face was covered by her oversized sunglasses, but the uncovered lower part of her face was exquisite and pleasing to the eye.

Draxton somehow found the woman familiar.

He didn’t rudely stare at them and averted his eyes

But inexplicably, he kept seeing that woman and boy in his mind’s eye, especially that woman and her delicate jawline.

Out of the blue, Draxton pulled up short, and the expression on his face changed.

James Beck, his assistant, gave a start and almost collided with his back. The silver–brimmed glasses James wore jerked with his movements and almost fell off his face.

James pushed his glasses up hastily and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Lockwood, what’s wrong? Are we being stalked?”

James was not being paranoid. It was just that Draxton’s safety took the top priority, and so many people were lurking out there waiting for a chance to take Draxton’s life.

Although bodyguards were protecting Draxton in secret, James automatically became on edge.

Draxton whirled abruptly. His tall and sturdy body was mountain–like, and his dark blue eyes were penetrating as he looked around like the alpha of a wolf pack.

The two figures were becoming smaller and smaller in the crowd, but he caught sight of them nonetheless.

James followed his gaze in bemusement but saw nothing.

Draxton lifted his wiry, long leg again and strode forward.

James quickly caught up with him. “Mr. Lockwood, did you notice anything suspicious?”

“We are not going to Lotus Village,” Draxton replied tonelessly.

James was surprised, but after working as Draxton’s assistant for many years, he knew better than to question Draxton’s decisions.

James knew that his boss must have noticed something that made him change his plan.

Seeing that Draxton had no intention of filling him in on more details, James didn’t pry into it and just walked behind Draxton wordlessly.

Draxton would tell him what to do when it was time.

Isabella and Ricky came to a newly built high–end apartment complex in Dawton City, which was called Orchid Residences.

The buildings in Orchid Residences were all built in the European style. Apartments had lots of light and scenic views of mountains, lakes, and woods.

Mr. Langley had recently bought an apartment there, and before they left Lotus Village, he had given Isabella the key.

“Do you like this place, Ricky?” Isabella soon found Mr. Langley’s apartment. It was on the third floor of Building A, which was the closest building to the entrance of the complex.

Standing at the entrance, they looked up and could see the wall–sized window of that apartment.

Ricky looked around and tilted his face up with a smile. “Yes. How about you, Mom?”

Isabella slightly tousled his hair and answered, “I do too. Let’s go upstairs.”

There were two elevators in each building and only one apartment on each floor. They opened the door. The house was 3,000 square feet, and its minimalist interior made it look very spacious.

No one had ever lived there, so everything in the house was covered in a thin layer of dust.

“Mom, this house is so much like Grandpa Langley,” Ricky remarked in a soft voice.


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