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The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife (Isabella Thompson) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Call Me Dad

Their eyes locked for a moment. Isabella looked away first, and her thick lashes lowered halfway.

She was not stared down. It was just that gazing at Draxton while he looked at her was weird.

But Draxton believed that she had averted her eyes because she was scared.

“I expected you to be bolder.”

All of a sudden, his voice sounded, breaking the dead silence.

Isabella gave a start and didn’t know how to respond.

She was not talkative and was introverted, barely opening her mouth around people she didn’t know well

However, since the man was trying to strike up a conversation, she might as well shoot straight. Therefore, she said frankly, “Sorry.”

She did owe him an apology for taking advantage of him five years ago.

Draxton remained impassive and didn’t say anything. Isabella couldn’t tell whether he had accepted her apology or not.

She didn’t know what he was thinking and said nothing more.

They arrived at the hospital very soon. It was a private hospital owned by the Lockwood Group. The bright neon sign reading “Lockwood” was very conspicuous in the rain.

The man in charge of the hospital hurried out to receive them after being informed that Draxton was sending someone over in person.

Greyson Lockwood widened his eyes in surprise when he saw Draxton carrying a woman in his arms.

And when his eyes fell on the boy behind Draxton, his jaw dropped in shock.

He had heard that the woman had been found and she was with a boy.

Greyson gasped. He thought it must be that Draxton hated the woman so much that only maiming her once was not enough, so he decided to get her cured in the hospital for further torment.

“What are you waiting for?” Draxton asked coldly.

Greyson shuddered and was snapped out of the trance. He then shouted for help, “Get me a bed! Push her into the emergency room!”

Draxton felt speechless.

His face darkened, and he stared at Greyson with lowered eyes. “She just got burned.”

Greyson pulled up her pant leg.

The next second, he broke out in a cold sweat. “Just burned?

“My goodness! Mr. Lockwood used boiling water to torment this woman!

“Brutal torture.

“But it seems that her life is not in danger,” Greyson thought.

Fifteen minutes late, he was done tending to Isabella’s wounds.

Greyson was staggered to know it was just an accident that Isabella had gotten burned and Draxton hadn’t riddled her body with holes and cuts as he had imagined.

Ricky stayed close to Isabella throughout and didn’t stop frowning until Isabella’s wounds were taken care of.

Draxton approached them and said in a deep voice, “The dressing needs changing regularly. You need to stay in the hospital for a few days.”

Isabella flicked a look at him and replied slowly, “Okay. Hope it isn’t too much of an imposition.”

Draxton then said to Ricky, “I have some dry clothes prepared for you. Go with Greyson to get changed, or you may catch a cold.”

Ricky didn’t respond and just stared at Isabella.

Isabella kept silent for a while before meeting Ricky’s stare and giving him a slight nod.

Ricky then turned around and walked out with Greyson.

Isabella and Draxton were left alone in the ward.

The room fell heart–stoppingly silent.

Isabella sat on the bed with an ashen face and broke the silence after a long while. “Five years ago, I didn’t mean to offend you. I regretted it very much after I woke up.”

Draxton slightly moved his glacial eyes. He had a regal bearing, and his expression was impenetrable.

Without getting his reply, Isabella clenched her teeth and continued, “Mr. Lockwood, can you tell me what you plan to do with me?”

After throwing out that question, Isabella looked up at Draxton in earnest.

She met his unreadable eyes.

Draxton stayed quiet

Isabella’s brows wrinkled. “Why is he giving me the silent treatment?

“I’m now fish in the barrel! Can’t he just tell me whether he will cut me into pieces or give me a quick death?” Isabella roared inside.

Draxton’s gaze was so aggressive that Isabella looked away and ducked her head again.

Draxton cocked an eyebrow. In his eyes, Isabella was a weak and vulnerable woman who had burned herself in fright just because of his appearance and didn’t even have the nerve to hold his gaze.


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