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The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife (Isabella Thompson) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 21 Isabella Slapped Sophia

Isabella stared at the two women weirdly and turned to Draxton with a confused look.

Even without a word, her eyes showed obvious doubt. “Are those two nuts?”

Draxton was initially in a bad mood, yet seeing Isabella’s confused look, he grinned with joy.

*Just leave them alone and take your time,” said Draxton.

Realizing that the two women were nuts, Isabella held the juice and walked passed Amelia.

Before speaking, Amelia froze for a while and turned to sit on the couch.

“Draxton, as the chieftain, you are not supposed to spoil and indulge a maid in this way. Otherwise, she would grow even more ambitious and go too far someday!”

Draxton looked down without glancing at Amelia. Soon after, he said indifferently, “That’s true. She might want to go too far.”

“That’s precisely what I am saying, Draxton. Look at that maid. She is high off her ass upon her prettiness and even forgets her status!

“I have seen so many of her kind. She only wants to move to the higher classes, doesn’t she? You cannot keep someone like this, Draxton. It’s better to send her away soon!”

Amelia was about to keep grumbling endlessly.

On the other side, Cooper, Alan, and Martin all looked at Amelia with sympathy.

Mr. Lockwood must have blacklisted Amelia Hart. But, unfortunately, the latter had no clue about the fact at all.

Draxton stared at Amelia reticently without uttering a word.

Instead, Amelia took it as consent and changed the topic, not bothering to care about a trivial maid.

She began to say nice things about Sophia.

“Draxton, Sophia had already got her doctorate at the young age of only 25. She can master four foreign languages and specializes in Financial Management. How about this? Why don’t you recruit her as your assistant? By the way, she needs some discipline as well.

“She is way too stubborn, though. Considering that you saved her life, she turned down her father’s offer of a position in our company and insisted on joining your team, claiming to repay you in this way. But, of course, ! have nothing to do with her…”

“Mom, feel free to continue talking with Drax. As for me, I am going to get a drink from the kitchen to quench my thirst.”

With that said, Sophia got to her feet.

Cooper and the other guys, who were all rubbernecking, could not help but sneer.

How could a stranger enter the kitchen?

However, Cooper did not reach out to stop Sophia. Instead, Alan, who was worried, followed Sophia into the kitchen and watched her discreetly.

Even though Alan did not think that Sophia might not dare poison them, he would never allow himself to let his guard down.

Seeing Alan follow her in, Sophia knew this guy was a right–hand man of Draxton’s. She thought for a second, deciding to please him.

“Dear Bro, do you know Drax’s favorite drink?”

Tilting her head, Sophia winked at Alan and asked in a joyful tone.

Alan looked at her with a deadpan expression. “Is there anything wrong with your eyes?”

Sophia was shocked for the moment.

“No, of course not! Dear Bro, you must be kidding me.”

Sophia was annoyed deep down. But since Alan was Draxton’s right–hand man, she did not want to turn on

him at that point.

“Why do you keep blinking your eyes, then?”

Sophia went speechless.

The smile on her face stiffened, and she started to resent Alan on the sly.

She would have to wait till Drax fell for her one day and let Alan regret having said these rude words to her.

“In addition to what I have just said, stop calling me ‘Dear Bro.’ I do not have a younger sister.” Alan’s handsome face was covered with indifference.

This woman seemed even more disgusting than Isabella Thompson.


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