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The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife (Isabella Thompson) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 The Kindergarten

Cristian looked straight ahead without saying a word to his little sister.

Regina looked annoyed just thinking about it. She could not restrain herself and asked in shock, “Big Brother, you don’t like her, do you?”

‘Just drive,” said Cristian.

Regina pouted as she started the car.

As the car drove back to Northernville Manor, Isabella was sitting in the front passenger seat. She was looking at the man who was so focused on the road in the driver’s seat.

“Are you really going to let Daniel go to North Star Group just like that?” She felt a little curious about his decision.

Draxton laughed softly and replied, “If they want opportunities, they have to fight for themselves. Now that they have fought for it, there’s no harm in giving them a chance, right?”

His words made complete sense, so Isabella could only go quiet.

Draxton said, “Ricky is four years old now, right?”

Isabella was surprised by the question for a moment before she nodded.

Draxton continued, “It’s time for him to go to kindergarten then.”

Isabella froze as she realized something.

He was absolutely right. Ricky had already reached the age to attend kindergarten. From the beginning, she bad brought them out of Lotus Village with their future education in mind.

“Do you want Ricky to start attending kindergarten?” Isabella was a little happy.

Draxton saw that Isabella was having many thoughts in her mind, so he asked, “Hmm? Don’t you think so?”

Isabella quickly shook her head. Then, she replied enthusiastically, “It’s time for Ricky to join kindergarten. I was just thinking about it as well.”

Draxton turned his head and glanced at her sideways. He smiled as he said, “Uh-huh. Lockwood Group owns kindergartens. Most of the children from the Lockwood clan attend schools that belong to the Lockwood Group. It is all-rounded and has the best resources in town. What do you think about sending Ricky to our kindergarten?”

Isabella agreed that it was a good idea. She naturally wanted to send Ricky to the best kindergarten in town. In reality, the Lockwood Group not only had kindergartens, but they also owned a primary school, middle school, and high school.

Isabella’s lips curved upwards out of joy. She turned to look at Ricky who was sitting obediently in the backseat, without making a sound. She asked in a gentle tone, “Ricky Baby, what do you think about going to kindergarten?”

Draxton raised his brows. She was asking the child for his opinion about attending kindergarten. She clearly loved the child and respected their wishes a lot. Also, she was good at communicating with them.

Ricky looked at Isabella and nodded obediently. “Yes. Thank you, mom, dad.”

Isabella felt like her heart had turned to mush. Her son was such a sweet little boy. If they were not in a moving car, she would have jumped into the backseat and hugged her lovely baby boy.

While she was feeling so happy, Betty came to her mind. Still, she did not have to worry about Betty. Grandmaster and Master Grey were going to teach and guide her, so it was fine for her to start kindergarten a little later.

Ricky and Betty were both very smart children. They were clearly more intelligent than normal children out


If they were willing to learn, they could get very good grades. From their previous performance, both the composed Ricky and the mischievous Betty were great kids.

Draxton looked at the boy sitting in the backseat through the rearview mirror. The boy looked physically just like him and had the same composure. He looked like a serious little grown-up. His lips curved upwards as he couldn’t help smiling. The boy was quite adorable.

A gentle look could be seen on his face.

After settling on the kindergarten for Ricky, Draxton made arrangements to send Ricky to the kindergarten and let him familiarize himself with the place the next day.

Isabella also tagged along.

Draxton showed up personally at the kindergarten, making everyone feel deeply honored.

The person in charge of the kindergarten was also a member of the Lockwood family. His name was Owen Lockwood, and he was the current principal of the kindergarten. From his appearance, he seemed to be in his fifties.

When Owen saw the mini version of the chieftain, his jaw nearly dropped.

Draxton introduced everyone. “She’s my fiancée and this is my son, Ricky.”


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