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The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife (Isabella Thompson) novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Two Sweeties

The little girl tilted her head to one side with an aggrieved expression on her rosy face. Then she turned around and ran toward the woman with the puppy in her arms.

“Mom, Witty–Whitey is just chicken–hearted. I didn’t bully him. I’m a kind girl!”

The woman gently pinched the little girl’s nose and said, “Sure. Betty is a kind and pretty little girl. Witty–Whitey is such a coward!”

Amused, Isabella took the chubby puppy from her daughter’s arms. The puppy was playing dead and cracked open one eye, breathing a huge sigh of relief when realizing that he was finally in the clear.

“But my little brother said I bullied Witty Whitey.”

The girl complained, blinking her big, dark blue eyes.

The boy heard her words and walked over. Then, looking at the girl with a straight face, he said, “Betty, I’m not your little brother. I’m older than you.”

The girl pouted her pink lips and lifted her chin. Then, with a snort, she retorted, “Maybe Mom was wrong about which of us she gave birth to first, and I came out before you.”

The little boy’s brows wrinkled. The resigned look in his eyes was at odds with his young age.

“Betty, be a good girl and admit I’m the older one of us.” The boy doted on his sister on everything but this


“No way,” the little girl replied firmly.

Isabella looked at them resignedly. Both of her children were just as obstinate as that man.

She had told them that Betty was the younger sister, but the little girl never accepted it and insisted that she was the older one of the twins.

Ever since she learned to speak, she had called the boy her little brother.

In the plane crash five years ago, Isabella had fallen into the ocean and been saved by a passing cruise ship.

The cruise ship’s owner who had saved her was a mysterious and powerful woman.

Without her, Isabella wouldn’t have survived and given birth to the two cute kids.

It was out of Isabella’s expectation that she’d gotten pregnant on that rainy night with a baby boy and a girl.

It was a month later when the cruise ship returned to Lotus Village, and Isabella had been in a coma all this time.

In Lotus Village, Grandmaster checked on her body and surprisingly found that she was pregnant.

Recalling how she had ended up there, Isabella smiled a little. She had almost died back then, but she had made it to leave that sad place and start afresh. Now, besides her two kids, who were the most important people in her life, she also had several masters. They were all her family.

With them around her, she finally knew what it felt like to have a home.

A whiff of sweet fragrance interrupted her train of thought, and a sexy woman came into sight.

The woman was wearing a bright red fishtail dress that was tight around her hips, looking striking with exquisite makeup and the black waves of her hair swaying in the wind.

She moved confidently, and her presence immediately made the courtyard a stage where there seemed to be limelight from every direction.

“Sweeties, have you missed your grandma?” Hearing the woman’s sultry voice, Isabella rubbed her forehead. The beautiful woman calling herself grandma looked only in her thirties. Although Isabella had heard her refer to herself that way numerous times, she still hadn’t gotten used to it, thanks to that young and alluring face.

“Grandma Grey!”

The two kids spun around when they heard the woman’s voice and dashed toward her like two merry butterflies.

The woman crouched down and wrapped both her arms around the two kids. She dropped kisses on their

cheeks before looking up at Isabella with a grin.


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