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The Billionaire's Daughter novel Chapter 33


Hearing Rob call Saphira as his girl made my heart ache with jealousy but I remained silent. If Saphira was found and saved, I will try to be happy even if she choses Rob.

I haven’t admitted this to her but I love Saphira with all my heart and soul and it would torment me to see her with somebody else. But if she will be happy with him and if she favors him, I will let her go. For me, that is what true love is. It is about sacrifice.

“Dude, why so glum? If you are thinking about what I said a while ago. I just said Saphira was my girl so Ralph can help us without questions.”

I should have felt relieved with Rob’s explanation but I don’t. I knew that he and Saphira have some kind of connection.

“I am just thinking on how we can match with the two guys if they start to fight with us. Street fighting was never my thing.”

“Don’t worry. I have a small gun here that may help us. I am also a sharpshooter so no worries if ever we need to use this.”

“I hope we don’t get to use that gun. I hate to hurt anybody even Romano. He needs help and I think that is the reason why Agent Trey went behind our backs to find his friend. He wants to save him.”

“Yeah. I figured it out too. Every person has a story. A reason behind their actions but whatever that reason is, I will never let Romano or anyone hurt Saphira. I care about her Franco. I know you do too so let’s work together to ensure her safety.”

“I just hope we’re not too late.”

When we arrived at the safe house, we snucked inside to find the two friends fighting. I motioned for Rob to wait.

After a few minutes, Agent Trey won and he hand cuffed Romano. He was busy with his phone probably figuring out how to let Romano escape while he returns Saphira to us or her parents.

We were secretly and slowly approaching them when I saw Romano who was facing Saphira's bunk bed reached for something in his boots. My instincts kicked in and I dashed towards Saphira who was a few meters away from me.

I saw a silver thread of a knife. I knew that If I don’t act now, I would lose her forever.

And so I did what was the easiest option.

I jumped in between Saphira and Romano while praying that I would be able to block the knife in time.

Chapter 33: Sacrifice 1

Chapter 33: Sacrifice 2


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