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The Billionaire's Daughter novel Chapter 35


Acceptance is key to happiness.

When I first realized that Saphira will always belong to Franco, my heart felt like being cut into million pieces. But I know that time will come when the greatest love of my life will come and we will have our own love story.

For now, I am happy to be part of Franco and Saphira’s journey.

If anyone could see Saphira now, they would think her loneliness was caused by heart break from someone’s death. But I know better.

After the accident that almost took the life of two of my best friends, Franco and Saphira, the three of us realized that life is too short to be taken for granted.

Four months ago, Franco would have sacrificed his life for Saphira. He intercepted the knife intended for her and used his own body to shield her. This act of pure love and selflessness woke me up from my fantasy that someday I will be worthy to be with her.

Everything was blurred after my fight with Agent Trey when he tried to take the gun from me but one thing I remember was before Franco passed out from his fall, he glanced at Saphira first.

The knife luckily did not hit any vital organs but his fall left a concussion on his head. He was in the hospital for two weeks because of that.

During those days, Saphira never left his side except to go to school. She would get all of Franco’s home works and projects so they can work on it in the hospital while he recuperates. They also overcame Franco’s problem with Madeleine, which Saphira bravely faced once she learned what happened while she was away.

Saphira confronted Madeleine and the other girl ended up dropping out of school because of that supposed "heartbreak and failure".

Now, Franco traveled to Germany for a student’s symposium for Honorary students. He is vying for Valedictorian alongside with Saphira but she ended up staying behind. She was still traumatized by what happened to her previously. Franco wanted me to go on his behalf but the school board did not allow for it.

And so here is my girl best friend sulking just because she misses her other best friend who will just be away for a week.

They still haven’t admitted how they feel but there is an understanding between them that they are exclusively for each other.

And here I am in the sidelines, waiting for that moment to happen.


High School graduation came, the first turning point of our lives.

“And now our Valedictory Speech from Franco Briones!”

“Good evening parents, fellow students, faculty and distinguished guests. I stand here before you not as the Valedictorian but as the second best, for I know that I have done my best to earn this title but someone else is more deserving to be here.”

Murmurs. . . they were looking at me with pity. Gosh Franco, why do you have to include me on your speech. This is your special day. I tried to sit lower on my seat but then he looked at me and I was mesmerized by the emotions from his eyes.

“Someone who has endured so much pain and hardship, sacrificed her happiness to achieve her goals in life. I could not have lasted a day on this prestigious school without her. She was my rock. My inspiration to work harder. When I met her, my only goal was to graduate here so that I will have a better chance in pursuing the good schools and ensure a brighter future.

Well, for a less fortunate guy like me, who went through school because of the numerous scholarships I acquired and by working daily to provide for my school needs, you must think that I have had a hard life and this should have been my moment to be proud of myself. That I will soon leave this academe with head held up high as I can take on any challenges in my college life because I graduated Valedictorian. But I am not proud of myself because of that.

This school has prepared me for the future but more so, this school gave me the special gift of meeting someone who inspired me to be better. She changed my outlook in life.

Before, I thought only poor people suffer. But I learned that I am lucky to have a normal life. To have experienced playing with friends on the streets, spending time with my family, eating with them daily and discuss anything under the sun without regard for time. I grew up without acknowledging in my achievements. I know my parents were proud of me but I have never felt the need to prove to anyone that I am good. I just tried to do my best. I still had my share of fun and I don’t care what others will think. I am just a ‘nobody’ anyways.

But to most of you, who I never really gotten to know, but knew at the back of my mind were sons, daughters or grandchildren of famous, rich and powerful people, you had a harder life than me. Why? Because, you have a name and reputation to uphold. And for me, that is a very arduous thing to overcome. To be at par or better and to fit the family name at the expense of your own dreams and happiness is very difficult.

My friend here was bullied, sorry school admins, I just have to say this for your awareness as well. She was not treated fairly just because she wanted to be the best for her parents. To be always number one, she had to study and work harder. She did not have the time to make friends and nobody even tried to be one to her. “

More murmurs and the school admins are looking at each other with fear. Oh Franco, why did you have to bring this up.

“She was misunderstood and suffered for several years alone because no one tried to help her. I have heard some of the things that were said to her and I can attest that none of them were true. She is not a snob. She is not selfish or materialistic.”

I saw several of the bullies looking at each other with fear on their eyes. Maybe they thought Franco would spill their names.

“She is kind, friendly, sweet, helpful and accommodating. She is real and simple despite her status in life, she does her chores at home. If she is a snob, why would she even befriend a nobody like me. Even her PE class exemption was an issue for some. But nobody asked the reason for that, but since I’m already at a roll here, she had a heart operation and yes, she never deserved any of the things you said about her. Well, except for one.

She is a geek and nerd in some ways because she is the most brilliant person I know.

She helped me with my lessons. She is not selfish to keep her knowledge and strategies in studying.

All of you missed a great deal of your school life not being able to get to know her and you might even think more of her now that you know you are all at fault for saying untrue and hurtful things about her.“

Now I am really starting to cry. Damn you Franco!

“I salute her with all my heart for I know she sacrificed this position for me.“

More murmurs. Oh Franco, can’t you keep your mouth shut? You will get us in trouble.

“I know everything that she knows because we studied and reviewed together. We were both confident that we will perfect all our exams. That was why I was sure and confident that I will not earn the Valedictorian slot since she was always ahead of me on this school. I am always proud of her and I will never ask her any favors that will affect her future. She knows that I always got her back.”

Franco looked at me again and shook his head in disappointment. I know why.

“Knowing that she was able to get five answers incorrectly on our last exam, the exam that will determine our ranking is really unlikely and absurd. She knew those questions and can answer them even if her eyes were closed. So you see, she should be the valedictorian and not me.”

Franco looked at me with gratitude and tears on his eyes.

“I know what you did and I know why, and I will forever be thankful to you for this. I may not be happy you did this but I appreciate the gesture. Now you will never get rid of me for we will now be on the same University.”

We were looking at each other like we are just the only person in the crowded hall.

When he looked away, he addressed the rest of the crowd.

“Now that I was able to get everything out of my chest, sorry for the long speech I hope some of you found it entertaining and enlightening.

To the graduates, we will now embark on another journey towards our dreamed success. I hope the knowledge and values you learned will also keep you grounded.

Knowledge is power but values and good attitude is also a factor to be successful. Everything is possible and achievable once we believe in it.

Success is earned and not given on a silver platter but once you have the success, do not forget that not everyone is successful like you or that not everyone can do the same things as you.

No one can be as good as you so never compare, it will just hurt you and others in the process. Lessen expectation from others but expect more from yourself.

Thank you once again and Congratulations to all of us!”

I saw the crowd stood up, some even have tears on their eyes, and clapped their hands for his heartwarming speech.

Franco went down from the stage and briefly hugged me. Maybe it was just my imagination but I felt some kind of spark when he hugged me.

Now that his speech was over, he sat beside me. After the graduation ceremony, the faculty and some students approached us and congratulated us. That was a surprise since both of us were outcasts. We always just spend time together away from the rest of the students to avoid any trouble. Since Franco always fights back whenever he hears awful things being said about me.

“Congratulations Darling!”

Chapter 35: The Dream 1


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