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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 


Leave! You can’t be here! I tell this to myself over and over as soon as Cassie opens the ballroom and I see the extravagant setup. The flowers, the lighting, the bubbles, even the intimate guest list composed of the people who probably mean a lot 

to Cassic. 

Fuck! Sullivan overdid this one! 

But no matter how pissed I was, I know that this is how it should be done. This is what melts women’s hearts, and makes them say yes to a proposal regardless of whether they are sure about the guy or not. 

He’s going to propose to her! 

Another man is going to propose to my wife, and I know I should not be here to see this. 

But I don’t know what possessed me to remain standing in my place right by the door, where I can see everything, and hear every word of Sullivan’s proposal. 

you are the president of the art club, the captain of the swim team…” 

I feel so stupid standing there, listening to another man praise the woman who once belonged to me… a woman I never bothered to get to know better. 

A woman with hazel and green eyes… 

Captain of the swim team….. 

Then I remember the incident this afternoon with Megan, where a child almost drowned in front of her. 

I can’t swim. If I dove in, the lifeguard would be saving us both. 

Damn it! 

Something is not right here. I’ve had this feeling even from the moment I found Cassie inside the treehouse hugging the blanket with a smile on her face. 

As I watch Sullivan kneel before Cassie, my heart races with a mixture of jealousy and regret. 1 

can’t tear my eyes away, even though every fiber of my soul screams at me to leave, to run as far away as possible. Perhaps this is the universe’s way of punishing me, I have to stand here, glued in my place, to witness this painful moment. 

The words Sullivan spoke were like sweet poison, each one laced with adoration and promises of a future I had never offered her. 

If only I’d be given another chance, I would do it differently! And I’ll do it ten times better than Sullivan ever did! 

But I know I won’t have that chance again. Because in a few moments, I would lose Cassie forever. 

Tm sorry Cassie says. 


I hear that right? She rejected him? 



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15:44 Fri, May 17 O 

Chapter 21 

Tears are rolling down her cheeks as she runs for the exit. She runs past me, I see the troubled and confused expression on her face. And although my heart aches to see her in pain, a huge part of me triumphs at the thought that she is walking out of here still a free woman. 

She stands by the door, almost in panic. I know that she has no idea what she will do, or where she will go. But she needs to 

get away. 

Without thinking. I find myself walking towards her. I also don’t know what I will do, or where we will go, but I just know one thing-1 need to get her out of here. 

So, I grab her hand and pull her towards the parking lot. She looks at me with a confused expression on her face, but she offers no protest. She lets me take her away and lead her to the parking lot. 

1 open the passenger door and she quietly goes in. I lean forward and fix her seatbelt before going to the driver’s seat. 

1 drive away, not caring about what will happen next, or what people will say. I fish my phone from my pocket and send a message to the manager of the resort. 

Find Miss Megan Brown, and make sure she gets home safely. Tell her I will call her later. 

Beside me, Cassie is still quiet. Her expressic is stoic, but I can only imagine the inner turmoil she must be in. 

“Are you okay?” I gently ask her. 

“No.” she shakes her head. 

I drive without a particular destination in mind. I leave her alone to her thoughts. What’s important now I’m here. She’s not alone. But at the same time, I won’t pressure her to say or do anything. 

“Where are we going?” she asks. 

that she knows 

I shrug. “Anywhere you wanna go. Or.. nowhere at all.” I turn to her, giving her a gentle and sincere smile. “You’re the navigator. I’m just the driver.” 

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” she asks. 

1 heave a sigh. “I’m already doing it.” 

“Why are you doing this, Kayden?” she asks. I can hear the frustration in her voice. 

“Because…” I trail off. Unsure of what I will say next. Then I realize one thing. I’ve been lying to this woman almost constantly. Maybe it’s time to change that. From now on, I will not lie to her anymore. I will tell her what I think, or how I really feel. So my response to her question is, “Because I want to 

“What does that mean?” 

“Exactly what I said. The literal meaning. I want 


t to…” 

An SUV bumps us from behind. The impact sends us spinning out of control. The screeching tires and the sound of metal scraping against asphalt fill the air as we swerve dangerously close to the edge of the road. I grip the steering wheel, trying my best to gam back control of the car, but it’s no use. Fate’s cruel hand is inevitable, and right now, I only have one thing on my mind to protect Cassie. 

As we crash through the road barrier and hurtle toward the sea below, I lean forward to use my body to cover Cassie, hoping 



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