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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 


Seven years ago. 

“Hello, Cassie! You’re looking extra beautiful today.” Megan greets me as soon as I enter the house. I stare at She’s never usually this nice to me. I wonder what she’s up to. 

“Are you sick or something?” 

her suspiciously. 

She giggles, pulling me towards the couch. “I know I haven’t been the best sister, but come on! People can change, right? 

“People, yeah. Not you, I mutter under my breath. “Now, tell me What do you really want?” 

“Okay fine,” she says. “You know I heard you asking Dad for money the other day.” 

“Yeah. I am a bit late on paying some university fees. What about about it?” 


“Dad will give you the money?” 

1 don’t answer. My father did not make any promises. But he will try. I know that lately, his business is not doing so well. I hate to be a burden to him. But if I don’t pay these fees, I may not graduate at all. 

“Well, I have a proposition for you,” Megan says excitedly. “Maybe I will be able to help you.” 


“My boss has an important event, and he needs some people to attend to his guests.” 

“Attend to his guests?” 

“Like a waitress. You know, you go around serving drinks. I think it’s easy enough for you.” 

1 draw my brows together, looking at her skeptically. “Your boss isn’t into something shady or… kinky is he?” 

Megan laughs. “Of course not! He’s a socialite. And once in a white, he has guests over in his hotel room and they party. Nothing you cannot handle.” 

“Are you sure they don’t do drugs? Because if the party gets raided and I end up in jail, I won’t be able to graduate. And Dad is going to kill me.” 

Megan shakes her head. “You are overthinking it. Gees! I’m just offering you work. Fine! If you don’t want it, I’ll ask someone else.” 

“Wait! I didn’t say I don’t want it.” I really need the money. I have so many fees to pay in the university. And I feel bad about asking my 

father for money all the time. I mean, the extra classe in modelling that Megan is taking are already taking a toll on the family’s finances. 

Megan smiles at me. “Great! I will tell my boss that you’ll be there at nine P.M sharp.” 

At quarter to nine in the evening, I enter the lobby of Mayfield Palace, one of the most luxurious and exclusive hotels in the city. 



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Chapter 32 

I nervously walk towards the reception. “Ummm… I’m looking for Mr. Glenn?” I ask the receptionist. 

The receptionist stares at me for a moment, and the she says, “Mr. Glen is over there at the bar. I was told to direct you there. Just sit and wait for him.” 

I nod. “Thank you.” 

I make my way towards the bar, sitting uncomfortably. 

“Can I offer you a drink?” the bartender asks. 

“Oh, just water, thank you.” 

Just then, someone shoves a pink cocktail drink in front of me. Startled, I turn and see a handsome guy with blond hair and gray eyes, smiling down at me. He is wearing a white turtleneck shirt that has a logo I don’t recognize. It looks like a uniform or something. 

“It’s SOP,” he says. 


He extends his hand to me. “Glenn.” 

“Oh! You’re… you’re the boss of Megan?” 

He shakes his head. “Not exactly. But you can say that I work for him.” 

“Oh, okay. I’m Cassie. Megan is my stepsister.” He pushes the drink towards me again. “Oh, I don’t really drink. Especially not while I’m working.” 

He drew his brows together. “What do you think that is?” 


“Relax!” he chuckles. “It’s virgin pink lemonade. Alcohol-free, I promise. It will help you feel fresh in this hot weather.” 

“Okay, thank you.” I take a sip of the drink, and Glenn is right. It instantly refreshes me. 

“I will just brief you,” he says, taking a drink of his whiskey. “The VIP is upstairs, Penthouse apartment. The party will only start in an hour, so you have until then to prepare everything. Liquor will be delivered within thirty minutes, along with some finger foods. The guests will arrive ahead of the host.” 

“How many guests are we expecting?” 

He shrugs. “Not more than ten. But these are VIPs. Megan told me you were smart and articulate. Who knows? You might meet your future employer here.” 

“Okay. So, I’m just going to go around and serve people drinks, right?” 

“Pretty much.” He looks at my partially finished drink. “Finish it and then I’ll accompany you up.” 

I drink the cocktail straight up, then I follow Glenn towards the elevators. 

“What does your employer do?” I ask him as soon as we enter the elevator. 



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Chapter 32 

“Everything. Nothing,” he replies. I seem to hear a hint of repulsion in his voice, but I ignore it. “He’s one of those privileged rich boys who is set to inherit an empire the moment he was born.” 

“Oh, those kinds,” Isay. 

Glenn turns to me and winks. “Don’t worry. He’s completely harmless. But do me a favor. Try to make a good impression. I don’t want him to think I don’t screen the people I hire for him. But Megan vouched for you.” 

I nod. “Don’t worry. I am told that I have a good head on my shoulders.” 

I hear a ding, signifying that we’ve reached the last floor. As the elevator doors slide open, revealing the opulent penthouse, a wave of dizziness washes over me. 

1 blink rapidly, trying to shake off the vertigo as Glenn leads me out. 

“Are you okay, Miss Carlisle?” I hear Glenn ask. “Miss..” 

Then everything fades… 

When I wake up again, I find myself resting in the most comfortable mattress. I look around the room. Every corner screams luxury and grandeur. 

What the heck is in that drink? Glenn said it’s non-alcoholic. 

I get out of bed, walking on wobbly legs. Somehow, I still feel dizzy, but 

I’m perfectly aware of everything around me. 

The party! I start to panic. I went here for a job. My employer must be so pissed at me. 

When I open the door to the living room. I find it strange that its very quiet.. 

I thought there was a party. 

“Hello” I call out, but I hear no answer. 

There is no one here. Am I even in the right pace?” 

Finally, I arrive at the spacious terrace, overlooking the cityscape. A figure stands at the railing, his silhouette etched against the twilight sky. 

“It’s not Glenn. Is it perhaps my employer?” 

I decide to approach him. “Hello…” 

Slowly, the man turns to me, revealing his chiseled features and piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through me. 

I stare back at him in shock, my heart seems to have stopped beating, and my body instantly feels like it’s on fire. I have never felt like this before. Must be due to the drink I was given. Or it must be because of this smoking hot guy before me. 

“Ummmm……….. I’m sorry, I must be in the wrong room,” I say shyly. 

He takes a sip of his drink “Do you always pass out in strangers hotel rooms?” 


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