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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 


Seven years ago. 

“For crying out loud, you are so close!” my uncle roars as he throws his secretary’s iPad on the carpeted floor. “You are about to be announced as the CEO of this company. My grandfather worked so hard to build this company from the ground up! We have enemies who will jump at the chance to take this position away from us!” 

I stare at the view from my glass walls, lost in my thoughts. My uncle’s words barely register in my brain. 

In fact, my mind has been preoccupied by only one thought, one person. 

“Who is she? Where did she come from?” 

I cannot seem to get her image out of my mind. Her silky strawberry blond hair, and enchanting eyes. What’s her eye color? Greenish hazel? Or hazel green? 

I have always been proud of myself for havi extreme control. don’t easily get aroused by the sight or thought of sex. But the moment I entered the penthouse apartment last night, feeling a bit tipsy from the drink that the bartender gave me, I saw a strange woman lying on the couch. She was so beautiful, so enchanting, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I checked her pulse, it was steady and stable. She was just sleeping. I was about to call reception when she let out a moan in her sleep. Something told me to just let her be. And when she wake up, I’ll get to know her. 

So, I carried her in my arms and lay her on the bed. Then I went to the balcony to pour myself another drink. When she woke up and found me, I couldn’t help thinking that she’s even more beautiful, awake and smiling shyly. I could feel my cock twitch inside my pants. 

Damn! I’ve never been this hot for a woman before. And I know, I should make a move. Throw caution out the window. Forget about my inhibitions. 

I thirst for her. And I gotta have her or I won’t be able to sleep at nights. 

But once I’ve had a taste of her, I feel like an addict. Now, 

v, that I had her, I crave her even more. 

“Fuck it, Kayden, are you even listening to me?” my uncle shouts angrily. 

I turn to him. “I heard you,” I lie. I did hear some parts of his speech, but not all. 

“She is a student! She hasn’t even graduated! What were you doing taking a child in your hotel room!” 

“For crying out loud, she’s not a child! She’s more than twenty years old. She’s an adult! If your publicity team cannot twist that around, then you should fire them!” 

“I told you to be careful, be discreet! These are very sensitive times! If you have a scandal on you, the board will never agree to your appointment as CEO!” 

“I am careful! I am discreet! I wasn’t even dating anyone! I was having a drink alone! Then I felt tipsy, so I decided to go up the room. This girl was already there” 

“Are you saying that someone planted her there?” 

“1” I trail off. It is possible. Because where did she come from? Was she a setup?” 


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Chapter 31 

“Sir, someone is here looking for you,” my Uncle’s secretary interrupts us. 

” “Who is it?” 

“Me?” I ask. 

“He says he’s the father of the girl in the gossip columns.” 

What? Her father? 

“Let him in, my Uncle says. 

After a few minutes, a handsome older man enters my office. He is dressed in a suit with an inexpensive brand. 

“I’m Arthur Carlisle,” he introduces himself. “My daughter is Cassie Carlisle. She’s the girl in news to… today. 

Cassie Carlisle. That’s her full name. 

“What brings you here, Arthur?” my uncle asks. 

“I want to talk to you both about what happened last night. You see, Cassie never came home last night. I knew something was off when I saw that ridiculous headline about her being in a hotel room with you. I couldn’t believe it. My daughter has never been involved in anything like that bere. She’s a good girl, a really good girl.” 

“Then what was she doing in a stranger’s hotel room?” 

“She…she said she passed out. She had a drink before she went up your hotel room. But she cannot remember anything else? His eyes go to me. “Did she have any reason to be there? Did you force yourself on her or was it consensual?” 

Anger instantly flares up within me. “Are you suggesting that I raped her?” 

“Did you?” Arthur’s voice trembled with anger 

“I would never ever touch a woman without her consent! So, yes, it was consensual between us!” 

“Are you saying that you’ve met her before? Were you seeing each other?” 

I don’t answer. 

“How did she end up in your room then? She said she was drugged! Did you order someone to drug her and take her to your 

hotel room? 

“Relax, Mr. Carlisle,” my uncle says. “I can assure you that my nephew would never drug anyone just to sleep with her. It mean… have you gotten a good look at the lad? Women cower at his feet, you know!” 

“My daughter would never have a one-night-stand with a complete stranger! The fact that she is in your hotel room means. someone took her there!” Mr. Carlisle shouts angrily. “Just because you are rich and powerful does not mean you can do whatever you want with us! My daughter is precious to me! Did you use protection? What if she gets pregnant, or worse… what if you gave her a disease!” 

I slam my fist on the desk. “Mr. Carlisle!” I growl. I take a deep breath to calm myself. “I am clean, I assure you of that! Now, can you just tell me what you want?” 

“Yes, Mr. Carlisle,” my uncle asks. “Save us the time and trouble. How can we make this up to you and your… precious. daughter?” 

My uncle’s phone rings 1 watch his expression as he talks on the phone. He frowns and presses the skin between his nose. 



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Chapter 34 

This can only mean one thing: 

more trouble. 

“Mr. Carlisle,” my uncle asks as soon as he hangs up the phone. “Did you talk to someone in the press about this?” 

Mr. Carlisle smiles proudly. I may not be as rich as you people, but I also have friends in the right places.” 

“Fuck it!” my uncle curses. “What do you want then? How much will it take for your friends to keep their filthy mouths shut?” 

My uncle is doing damage control. In truth, it will be so easy to make this problem go away. I can pay Mr. Carlisle a small amount of money. We can put pressure on the reporters that he knows. There are many ways to make it go away. But time is against us. Right now, as we speak, the Board is making a decision whether I will be appointed as the next CEO of Steele Corp. I cannot afford any scandal, I cannot make any mistakes. 

“Name a price!” I roar at the man. 

Mr. Carlisle stares at me for a moment and then he smirks. “Your” 

I raise a brow at him. “What do you mean, me?” 

“Marry my daughter!” 

“What the fuck did he just say?” 

“Did you send your daughter to seduce me because in the end, you want to blackmail me?” 


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