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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67


Lying next to Cassie, I stare at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. Time is ticking away, our stolen moments together drawing closer to an end. I hold her tighter, not wanting to let go.

“That was it!’ I say to myself. “That was my ‘what if. I have always been asking myself that question. What if… what if I had been a better husband? What if I didn’t let her go? What if Megan didn’t lie to me? What if I just followed my heart when we were married?

Cassie gave me a chance these past two days to get the answer to my ‘what ifs. I got a taste of what life might have been like for us… and it’s f**king perfect!

I know I only asked for these stolen moments, but now that I know how it would feel to be with her again, I don’t think I can ever let it go.

Now, more than ever, I am convinced that I will do everything, I will stop at nothing… I’m going to win back Cassie. Letting her go was the biggest mistake of my life. It is my biggest regret, but I know I can still do something about it. Cassie still feels something for me. She must still love me, or at the very least, she’s still attracted to me. Otherwise, we would not be here right now, tangled in sheets, completely spent by our lovemaking.

Cassie stirs beside me. I watch her beautiful face in the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. Her lashes flutter gently against her ch*eks. I brush a strand of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear as I caress her ch*ek with the back of my hand.

She opens her eyes and looks directly into mine. Her l*ps curve into a smile.

“You’re awake already,” she says.

I shake my head. “I don’t think I slept at all.”

She raises a quizzing brow at me. “Why?”

I sigh, leaning forward so I can ki*s her l*ps. “Because I don’t want to waste any precious time with you by sleeping.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” She giggles.

She looks past my shoulder and her eyes widen in surprise. “Oh my God! The storm is over!”

Damn right, it is! As if I need a reminder that this stolen piece of heaven is about to be finished.

She pulls away from me, grabbing her robe from the floor.

“Coffee?” she asks.

As she disappears to the kitchen, I remember again what she said about her life after our divorce.

I’m positive that she didn’t mention having Ethan during her pregnancy.

What happened there? Did they meet after our divorce, and had s*x, and then she only told him about Kai later?

I know that they knew each other when they were younger. He probably has always had a thing for her. So, why would he let her go after sleeping with her? I don’t know him well, but that does not sound logical to me.

I nod.

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

I cannot shake off the feeling that I’m missing something.

I grab my phone from the bedside table and scroll over to Maxwell’s number.

I try to recall that day that Sullivan shoved a DNA test result in my face. Back then, my mind was focused only on the 99.99 figure. That was all that mattered.

Shit! What was that lab company’s name again?

Bio… new…

I search the internet for the possibilities, and then finally, I got lucky.

Bio Nouveau Labs New York. I’m sure this was it. The logo is exactly the same.

I send Maxwell a text message:

‘Ethan Sullivan ordered a DNA test report at Bio Nouveau Labs in New York. It’s a paternity test between him and Cassie’s son, Kai. Can you check it out? If the test is legit? I don’t care how you do it. This is important but I want you to get a copy of this test and validate it. I don’t care who you will

pay to get this.’

‘Copy, boss, Maxwell instantly answers.

I grab my clothes from the floor and dress up. Then I follow Cassie to the dining room.

I find her standing in front of the kitchen counter sipping coffee while watching the news. I walk up behind her, then I snake my arm around her waist and ki*s the exposed skin on her shoulder.

“Good morning, love,” I whisper against her ear.


“Good morning!” she beams at me. read

I nod. She happily pours me a cup.

All the more, I wish my future mornings will be like this. Easy. Comfortable. Blissful.

I take a sip of the coffee and immediately, the unique flavor hits me. It tastes a bit like cinnamon, with a flavor of mint. I have no doubt that she created this from scratch.

“Damn! This coffee is delicious!”

“Thank you! My beef medallions were something you already had before, but this is something new I picked up along the way.”

“Okay, so how I can go back to regular coffee again after this?” I tease as I take another sip. I am not kidding, though. How will I go back to waking up alone after having this with her? If we weren’t making hot love first thing in the morning, we’re having a nice early morning coffee together.

“The rain has stopped. The roads are passable now,” she says. I try to listen and look for hints that she’s feeling any regret at all that our time together is coming to an end. But her voice is steady, and her face is expressionless.

“You know… this doesn’t have to be the end,” I say in a quiet voice.

Chapter 67 1

Chapter 67 2


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