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The Billionaire's Past novel Chapter 2



Way back in the year 2000….

It was late on bitterly cold winter’s evening. A poor little boy was wandering around in the cold streets. He was barefoot. Earlier on he was wearing shoes, but they were too long for his little feet and he lost them while running fast on the icy streets chased by wild dogs.

He was now standing on the corner of a very busy street.

He was hungry and trembling with cold.

The snowflakes fell upon his long dark hair which curled prettily around his face. He is a good-looking little boy.

For he was hungry and felt so cold he tried to draw attention and beg.

"Alms! Alms, give me a piece of bread."

“Spare me your mercy!"


People were passing by but no one looked at him. No one stopped.

His little hands were almost dead with cold. He sat down, drawing his feet under his thin clothes, but he was colder than ever.

He starve to death. He can bear no more.

He stand up and slowly walked towards the trash cans on the side of the street.

The boy was searching things from garbage.

He found a thing, a plastic bag which contains food throw away by some children who passed by.

He sits on the street and started eating the food he got from the trash can.

On the other side of the street, there is a girl who is standing in front of a fast food building.

Her appearance showed that she is nearly in teenage years. Not really a teenager. She is six or seven years older than the little boy.

The girl have a long dark brown hair. She is a short and slim girl with white skin complexion. She is pretty.

She was watching the little boy since 2 hours.

She came nearby him and sat beside him,

The little boy was nervous and feel shy.

” What do you want”? He asked.

“Nothing” she replied. “Are you hungry?” She asked by breaking heart.

“Yes!” the little boy answered with downcast eyes. He felt ashamed because she saw him eating food from the garbage.

She takes him to the fast food and ordered some food and gave it to him. She was still watching the poor little boy who seems so hungry and cold than her.

His heart was beating fast. He is hesitant to take the food for he is worried about the bill.

“I have no money to pay that” he said, almost in whisper.

“You don’t have to pay it. It’s yours.” The girl said in soft voice.

“Thank you” he said. His little hand is trembling when he hold the food handed to him by the girl.

Then they walked outside the fast food and walked down the snowy street.

The girl was about to cross on the other side of the street.

But the little boy called her and asked. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going home. Maybe my cousins are looking for me now. They will get angry because I’ll go home late for I have to cook their dinner for this evening. “She answered in mumbled as if she is talking to herself not to the little boy.

The fear suddenly seemed crossed in her pretty face.

She walked past and the little boy followed her when she crossed the street.

“Wait! What is your name?” the little boy said.

“I’m Haya.” She said without looking at the little boy who followed at her.

She is walking towards the bus station. She walked as fast as she could and the little boy almost left behind.

The little boy almost running just to catch her.


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