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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 114

The ferocious sneer and casual tone made Killian frown tightly.

Although he was smart, he didn’t understand why Jack was acting so strange.

The more he didn’t understand, the faster his heart beat.

Brent and Lone Wolf looked at Jack in disbelief.

Jack was really strange.

Except for this word, they couldn’t think of any other adjective to describe Jack at this time.

Jack knew he would break the rules of the Hughes family, but he still gave the first punch.

Then he got hurt, took a back seat, let them beat Killian, and even sneered.

What was Jack doing this for?

"Beat him."

Jack’s voice was low.


Outside the villa, a flash of lightning tore the night sky.

Brent’s face darkened, "Lone Wolf, beat him!"

Then, his strong body pressed directly against Killian.

Killian’s expression changed quickly. He didn’t dare to fight Brent at all, so he just walked away.

Brent was a slave of the Hughes family, but his fighting skills were excellent.

Killian was not Brent’s opponent at all!


Lone Wolf appeared behind Killian.

Lone Wolf hit Killian directly.

"Oh! Rubbish!"

Killian laughed sarcastically and turned around. Her white arm directly wrapped around Lone Wolf’s arm. He wanted to grab Lone Wolf’s throat.


There was a dull noise.

Lone Wolf’s other hand stopped Killian’s hand.

Meanwhile, Lone Wolf showed a scary smile.

At the moment, Lone Wolf was just like the king of the wolves on the grassland, staring at his dying prey!

Killian changed his expression and felt nervous.

Before he could get rid of Lone Wolf, he felt another threat.


Brent hit Killian on the waist and Killian couldn’t help but step back.

Then, Brent and Lone Wolf did not stop, and like an arrow, they went straight to Killian again.

Outside the villa,

The rain poured down.

There was frequent thunder and lightning.

Inside the villa, however, there was a brutal siege.

The fight was fierce.

Only Jack, sitting on the sofa indifferently, showed a strange sneer and appreciated the battle in front of him, with his eyes very deep.

Killian was really cunning, knowing that he was not Brent’s opponent, so his punches were all aimed at Lone Wolf. He was very good at developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

And that was what Brent and Lone Wolf could exploit, who were very experienced in combat.

No, they had a lot of experience in killing people.

At least, in Jack’s eyes, Lone Wolf used himself as bait many times to lure Killian to attack himself and created excellent conditions for Brent.

Jack didn’t know if Killian knew about it.

Maybe the spectators saw the chess game better than the players.

Even if Killian reacted, what could he do?

Did Killian have another choice?

In the face of Brent and Lone Wolf’s siege, he didn’t even have a chance to escape except by this means!

In Jack’s opinion, Killian was a beast in the cage.

It was just a matter of time before Killian kneeled down!

And when Killian kneeled down, it would be time for Jack to actually deal with Killian.

With the heavy rain, thunder and lightning,

The sound of fighting among the three men was not too loud.

But the tension between life and death was even stronger.

Under the attack of Brent and Lone Wolf, Killian soon lost his advantage.

Killian landed in their traps and was beaten by Brent again and again.

Only two minutes later, Killian’s lips had been stained with blood, and his chest clothes were dyed red. Killian’s momentum was much weaker.

Brent and Lone Wolf cooperated very well with each other. They were like two hunting beasts, showing their claws and teeth, and hit Killian hard again and again.

Brent and Lone Wolf were both ready to die for Jack.

They were not afraid of death and they wouldn’t be afraid of other things.


Brent raised his leg and kicked Killian again.

Killian blundered into the table and fell to the ground again. But this time, he didn’t stand up immediately.


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