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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 115


Suddenly the lightning lighted up the living room.

With a rare ferocious expression, Jack rushed towards Killian with a roar, holding a dagger in his hand.

It was clear that Jack was about to kill Killian, which made Brent and Lone Wolf got stunned.

Brent even yelled "Young Master" to try to stop Jack, but it was too late.

In an instant, it seemed like everything happened in front of everyone in slow motion.

Killian's face was pale out of being terrified. His heartbeat was so fast and his eyes opened widely.

At this time, Killian was no longer calm like he used to be before, now the only feeling he had was fear, great fear towards death.

Killian did not doubt that Jack would stab him with the dagger!

Everything happened so fast in one second!


Killian shouted abruptly. No one knew it was out of fear for death or one last sound of fighting back.


Jack and Killian’s bodies collided together.


The sound of a dagger entering the flesh was clearly sounded in the living room.

For a few seconds, Jack and Killian didn’t move at all.


Blood dripped from the middle of them to the ground, which made the floor stain red soon.

Brent and Lone Wolf were all dumbfounded.

The smell of blood made them realize what happened.

Brent sighed sadly, "It's over..."

Just after he said that, he heard a scream.


Brent and Lone Wolf were shocked at the same time.

This scream was from Killian!

Immediately, they saw Killian’s expression suddenly changed from frightened to confused, then angry...

In a short moment, Killian had all different kinds of expressions on his face.

In the end, his expression became pure anger.

His body was even shaking violently out of anger.

"You, what the fuck..."


Jack sneered and interrupted Killian’s angry shout.

At the same time,

Jack lifted his left hand and pushed the furious Killian out. He used so much force that he stepped back a few steps himself.

Jack fell and sat on the ground, his face quickly turned pale. With a smile on his face, he stared at Killian coldly.

But his right hand was pressed tightly on his belly.

In his hand, the dagger was fully stabbed in his flesh. And the blood ran out crazily.


Seeing that, Brent and Lone Wolf were stunned.

Their expressions turned into horror in an instant. Their eyes were opened widely.

What just happened?

Shouldn't Killian the one be stabbed?

"Young master!"

“Mr. Hughes!"

After realizing what happened, Brent and Lone Wolf rushed to Jack at the same time.

"Ah... crazy, you are a crazy bitch!"

Killian roared frantically and desperately rubbed off the blood in his hands. He couldn’t believe what happened.

Killian would never believe that Jack would play such a trick on him.

When Jack fell on him, he even felt the death was coming. But when he touched Jack, all his fear turned into a panic in an instant.

At that moment, within one second, Jack stuffed the dagger into Killian’s hand, and then, holding Killian’s hand to stab on him fiercely!

Jack planed all of this on purpose.

Killian was not stupid, instead, he was very smart. Immediately, he knew what Jack wanted to do. Jack never wanted to kill him. Instead, Jack was using this crazy way to express his anger and hate towards him for hurting Jack’s mom.

In doing so, even if it violated the house rules, there were still some possibilities for Jack to get out of the punishment.

He was severely injured by Brent and Lone Wolf under Jack’s wish. And now it looked like he stabbed Jack.


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