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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 

Anastasia’s sudden voice gave Monica and Salma a start, leaving them flustered and at a loss for words. 

Seeing their panicked expressions, Anastasia asked, ‘Are you guys keeping something from me? I heard you guys talking about Cason just now. What does Cason know? Has something been found out?” 

Salma was at a loss for words, but Monica thought fast and said, “Uh, I was talking about how Cason’s bankruptcy is now known to everyone, even his old classmates” 

It was a strained answer 

Looking at the two, Anastasia noticed both Salma and Monica were acting sketchy with shifty eyes. 

“I heard you say that Cason knows something about me. What is it?” Anastasia asked. 

Monica stumbled over her words 

“I want the truth,” Anastasia said, feeling uneasy, “What are you hiding from me?” 

She then remembered her recent medical check-up and how Monica had acted similarly secretive then. 

Salma tried to deflect. Why would we keep anything from you? There’s still food in the pot, go check on it.” 

Anastasia looked at Monica again, and Monica smiled reassuringly “Really, there’s nothing Just like I said” 

Seeing the two still not giving straight 

“Does it have to do with my lost m 

At this, both Monica and Salma became even 

Anastasia became even more suspicious 

a persisted. If you won’t tell me, I’ll ask Cason” 


“Don’t you dare, Salma said sternly “Cason’s a jeri What would you want with him? We told you, there’s nothing. What else do you want to know? There’s still food in the pot Ana leck on it. Monica, you’re staying for dinner tonight” 

Salma rarely spoke this 

Anastasia frowned. 

omething was up, but decided not to push further, not wanting to upset her mother 

She knew Monica was tight-lipped and wouldn’t 

As for Cason, she didn’t trust him. Even if there was something to tell, it wouldn’t be right coming from him 

If she wanted to re 

her lost memories, the 

d have to do it herself 

Anastasia turned and headed into th had a way of being discovered eve 

During dinner, the three of them were pr 

After dinner, Salma packed some leftovers for Hern 

ash the vegetables. Salma and Monica exchanged a glance, their hearts far from being at ease. Things 

As Anastasia and Monica left the complex together Mo 

own thoughts, and 

atmosphere became somewhat eerie 


a seemed to want to say something several times but held back, ultimately keeping quiet. 

By the time Anastasia got home, it was already nine o’clock at night. 

She only turned on a single night light and sat alone on the couch, hugging a pillow, staring blankly out the window, lost in thought 


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