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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 

Herman gifted Anastasia a swan shaped necklace 

He put it around her neck himself and kissed her forehead, Do you like it?” 

Anastasia gently stroked the pendant and smiled, “As long as it is from you, I love it 

They’d been married for quite a while now and Herman had given her rings, necklaces, while she hadn’t given him anything, which left her feeling a bit 


Herman affectionately tapped her nose and seeing a thermos on the table, and asked, “What’s this?” 

Anastasia suddenly remembered, “Oh, this is soup my mom made for you. She wanted me to bring some home to nourish you. I went over to her place today and brought back some other food. Let me grab the tableware, wanna give it a try?” 

Herman wasn’t hungry, but seeing Anastasia so eager, he agreed. 

“Sure, I must try my mother-in-law’s cooking.” 

Anastasia happily fetched the tableware, poured the soup, handed him a spoon, and then sat down, propping her face with her hands, watching him eat. 

She loved watching him eat. It was a visual treat for her. 

Herman smiled and took a sip. “Delicious” 

Anastasia pretended to be jealous, “My mom’s always thinking about you. She sends all the good stuff back with me for you. People might think you’re her son and I’m the outsider.” 

Herman chuckled, “Are you jealous?” 

Anastasia played along. “Yeah.” 

As soon as she finished speaking, his lips suddenly covered hers. 

Herman unexpectedly leaned in for a soft kiss. 

She was still in a daze, and he smiled, asking, “What about now?” 

Anastasia covered her face with her hands, blushing. Her reaction lightened his mood. 

Seeing her flushed face, Hermans heart skipped a beat. 

He put down the spoon, leaned in to her ear and said, “I think I fancy a change of taste.” 


Before Anastasia could react, Herman scooped her up and headed directly for the bedroom. 

That was when Anastasia realized what this guy wanted to do 

Once Herman’s passion was ignited, it was unstoppable. She had just received his necklace, how could she possibly deny him? 

In this regard, Herman seemed to have endless energy, his stamina was impressive. 

The night fell and the intertwined figures reflected on the window, both entering a world of passion. 

Anastasia was too exhausted, she had no idea when it ended and fell asleep 

When she woke up, Herman had changed her into fresh pajamas. She was lightly wrapped in his arms, feeling incredibly secure. 

She gently traced his eyebrows in the dim light, her heart filled with joy. 

Women were magical creatures. Once they gave their heart, they fell deeply into their mans world. 

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and kissed it before opening his eyes. His voice was deep and charming as he said, “Naughty girl, seems like what we had earlier wasn’t enough.” 


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