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The Bride Of The Billionaire novel Chapter 15

♪♪I couldn't,

I couldn't erase you in my head

I shouldn't,

I shouldn't love you the way now I did

and now I'm hurtin',

hurting my heart and self instead.

Can you hear me?

Hear the tears that silently flowing on my bed.


I'm inlove with you but you're inlove with her~

Listen to the sad melody,

as I strum my guitar.

Baby I close my eyes,

as I sing, you're in my mind.

Your image here won't go away,

chasing me on my dreams,

through that I can't fall asleep easily. ♪♪

"The universe planned to make us fall."

"I'm sorry" he utter.

He's looking at the stars.

"It's fine Raze! ah! I mean señorito. Sabrina's waiting for you, you may go!" I'm not pushing him away, I'm just being honest.

He check his wrist watch.

"It's already 9:00pm, maybe she's already sleeping. She was used sleeping early plus tomorrow our parents will visit here." that made me sad but instead of acting like one, I smile widely.

"Congrats!" I remarked. Yeah! That's it. I have to move on.

It's a lovely experience, a feeling for a boss is quite painful yet exciting.

Imagine, a lot loves him and I have a chance to go near him. I always have a chance to talk to him, a chance to look at his lovely intimidating face and a chance to work for him, also, I was once able to stay beside him and I enjoyed those moments where we are like a real lover.

Our first met, that's unforgettable.

"Hey! Chump! You're spacing out" he snap his fingers, making a sound that make me look at him.

"Huh? what did you say?" I asked

"I said are you pushing me away?"

"Ha? I-I'm not. I just thought that she might feel bad if she'll saw you with me. " Aish! truth hurts right? because the truth hurts me, the truth that someone powerfully owned him, someone who's much deserving for his love. I sigh!

"I'll get inside now!" Actually, I just feel bad with the thought that he kissed me for no reason so it means my first kiss was like a joke to him? Heck!

"Can't you stay for a while, can't you seize this moment?" he is cold, I don't know what's his point.

"Why are you making things hard for me? You're the boss but please, my feelings is not a toy that you can play and my heart, this is pretty sensitive. My heart fall and cry so easily. Are we clear?" I said but my heart was blutantly ranting.

I hear how he feigned a gasp but it won't work for me.

"What if I really like you? that in our first met I already laid my eyes on you?" he said that make me stiffened for a moment.

"It's because you have your eyes, it's natural that you laid your eyes on me!" I fired and turn my back.

"I-I love you" he coldly whisper and that's my first time I hear him stutter.

"Hey!" he catch up.

"Read this later!" he put something on my hands.

"What's this?"

"Just read it later before you sleep" he whisper and suddenly pull me closer and stole a kiss on my forehead.

I sigh, he's really playing around.

"Good night Chump, te amo!" he whisper once again. Why he never fail to make my heart thump crazy?

Why his single actions can make my heart beat wildly? The same thing right?

"Okay!" I was dazed.

Hell him for making me feel this way!

As expected,it's hard to fall asleep. I'm thinking every scenarios happened today and that's kinda weird that make me feel in mixed emotions.

I open my Instagram account, it's private so I see a lots of follow request.

Oh? Razekhen, my heart reacted as I read it so I check his account, it's also private! Damn! How come that he has a 40M followers though his account is private? That man is a beast.

I'm curious about his post but I'm shy to follow him back, yeah! I confirm his request. I feel shy suddenly because I only have 5k followers and he has a lot like a celebrity, more than to some celebrity.

A message from..

Razekhen: Follow me back.

Oh! okay! it doesn't matter right? It's only my pride who's interrupting me.

I follow him back and scroll to see his post.

Woah! Texno has a 20 PC lucky giveaways. He's really a billionaire.

He has a lot of hot pictures including his photo on the pool.

He was half naked and suddenly I unintentionally heart his photo. Shit!

Razekhen: It's obvious that you're stalking.

My phone dropped at my face as I read it.

"Holy shit! Ouch! my nose hurts!" I complain, massaging my nose.

"Assuming!" I reply and logged out to escape from his playful replies and I don't know how to explain why.



After dinner I walk at the pool area, it's bright out there since the only light came from the pool and some Christmas lights on the trees.

This maybe my new place for hangout and rest.

Raze and Sabrina were at the attic, they eat their dinner there, I don't know who set that but it was romantic.

Petals of roses were on the floor, romantic music was playing...that was a lovely candlelight dinner and maybe they're on their next activity which is the star gazing right now.

I look at the sky, there's a lot of stars tonight, it seems like they're celebrating for something and glow like a gems. Well, how do I know that the attic looks like that? It's because I help to serve their foods. That's a torture right?

I sat at the edge of the pool and soaked my feet at the water, it's cold. Around, 8:30pm I go in front the man made falls, I never noticed that there's a fish pond here.


"Who's-- ah!" it's the boss, so I stand and slightly bow like what others do when they see him.

"Señorito, I'm sorry!" I utter in my monotone voice, looking at the ground while waiting for a response.

"No, I'm sorry!" he said that made me look at him. Why?

"I'm sorry because I humilate you earlier without clarifying if you really do it! I'm just mad because that's a personalize hero I made, I spent years to create all of those" he utter sadly.

"Why you let her clean my room?" he continue. I was shocked.

"I'm really sorry... b-because s-she wants to!" I can't look straight at him.

"D-did mother Sharn tell you?" I asked nervously.

"No! I checked the CCTV footage today. I'm really sorry, I didn't stay cool earlier!"

"I understand! You personalized those and you work for it. You have a right to get mad." I whisper, what a relief.


Later that night, I woke up, feeling alright.

My phone was beside me though I used to put it at the side table. aish!

I stretched my body and fixed my bed. I do some exercise so that I'll be ready for everything today. I'm working here for a week now, I'm glad.

Around 5am I take a quick shower and wear our black and sky blue themed uniform since it must be our free uniform day.

After preparing I swung the door open and strolled out. Oh? It's Sabrina who sleep beside my room? We isochronally open the door. What a nice coincidence.

She's beautiful, she wears expensive dress and heels, I see, she's short. I guess, we have the same height though she wear heels.

At least I won when it talks at our height.

She has a straight hair but curls were much better right?

I wish I can free my curly long hair, maybe tomorrow if I'll go shopping and meet Cynthia.

Sabrina look at me with her confused eyes. Why though?

"You're sleeping at that room? Why didn't you sleep with the other helpers?" She sounds mad.

"I don't know! I see, we're on the same level" peace! I just want to annoy her.

"Same level your face!" she reacted and head upstairs... maybe to wake up Raze. I'm going to the babies room and free them.

"Good morning babies! Want some foods?" they bark, the ragdolls were sleeping at Raze room so they're not here, luckily, the huskies didn't hate them.

They have a bowl each but Vyan share with Red's foods, they are so cute so I get my phone and took them a picture. Kyaahhh! They're so cute.

After that I hurry to clean because the visitors may arrive around 7am, I heard that they will have their breakfast here.

I also heard that we won't eat with Raze-- ah! Señorito like yesterday because his parents were scary and don't like to eat with the helpers, like Sabrina do.

They're crazy so now, I realized that Raze is different than other rich.I salute you Raze.

I'm done cleaning all rooms except Raze-- señorito's room! Aish! I have to train my mind not to call him by name, others may misunderstand it!

I check my phone, I have to ask him if I have to clean his room. He was online so I chatted him.

To Razekhen: Do I need to clean your room?

I waited for a couple of minute before his reply arrived.

Razeshen: Good morning. Just bring the vacuum!

Suddenly I felt shame because I'm the maid yet I forget to greet the boss.

To Razeshen: Sure, good morning :)

I greeted and put my phone back at my pocket.


As the door opens, I see nothing I mean I didn't saw Raze but I hear an argument.

"I never told them to come!" it's Sabrina, she sounds defensive.

"Mom told me that she receives your invitation to come here since you're here!"

"Why are we fighting about this? We already talk about this yesterday!" she yell

"Because I can't understand you! I already told you that I don't love you!"

"I know but you'll learn to love, right? The engagement will be held soon!"

"I refuse! If you want then be hooked with my parents especially dad because he badly wants that fuckin' engagement and marrying you!" I hear it! I can't believe that.

Why rich people often choose money? They're weird!

I tried not to listen so I focus on vacuuming and after that I change the bed sheets, pillow case, comforter and his curtains.

"Hello? can I ask someone to bring a laundry cart here at Ra- ah! I mean señorito's room?"

"Lorence! Is this you? This is Lian...Yieee! your voice sounds great as ever." as always she's hyper.

"Thanks Lian!"

"Sure, see you!" then the line cutted.

I was folding the fabrics when Lian came.

We leave the room without making Raze and Sabrina make us notice. They're busy arguing. Raze parents wants Sabrina for him because she's the heiress of the famous clothing industry. It seems like Raze can do nothing against it.

That's a selfish idea right? Comment down if you guys agree.

We head the laundry room and leave the cart at Jane, Trish and Diane since they're assigned to do the laundry.

I was watering the indoor plants when I see Raze walking downstairs, it feels like this is my first time seeing him, he is handsome as ever that made me everything work in slow motion, his hairstyle was like a K-pop idol yet he stood like a boss, well, he's really a boss.

I suddenly member the hand written note he hand me... it says... "Wait for me"

"Hey! You're only watering the floor!"

"Ah! hi Nely! I'm sorry!" I said and smile weirdly.

"I feel bad for señorito! He go to a wrong girl" she started.

"Why?" I asked you of curiosity, well, two of them looks good together, that made me sad but that's true.

"She used to stay here before, we don't like her because her attitude sucks!" she said.


"Hey! Two of you! please help to out the foods at their area. Their parents arrived already!" it's mother Sharn.


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