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The Bride Of The Billionaire novel Chapter 16

I never been a happy woman like this, it's like that I exist in my dreamland and I don't want to wake up yet as I pinch myself, I know, everything is real.

My phone rings...

It's unknown caller.

I thought it's mom but ... Yeah! Tha call made me smile.


"Good morning chump!" That's funny, why chump sounds sweet when he is the one who say it? Darn it.

"Good morning Mr. ungentleman" I replied.

My smile, it's wide though I'm just listening at his voice.

"Did I awake you?" he asked

Aish! I can't help it. My heart reacted differently.

"Ah! no! I'm going to prepare now"

"It's your day off, where are you going today?"

"hmm! I don't know, maybe I'll just check some best places here in Cazila at Google"

"Hmm! I can be your driver today!"

"Eh? No need"

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Why you say so? "

"Nothing! "

"Aren't you a busy man? " Well, I want to be with him but he has a lot of business.

"I'm free! Prepare now, bye chump!"

"Hey! -- *toot!" That man! He end the line already.

Okay! I have no choice. I take a warm shower, I'm just used to it.

I'm simply wearing a peach sweater and I ripped jeans that paired with my one and only white shoes, maybe I can buy one later.

I go out, my heart is thumping sweetly like it wants to go out and break my rib cage. Darn this!

I'm just excited, yeah!

"Lorence let's eat!" mother Sharn call me,she's holding a tray.

"Good morning mother Sharn, Good morning everyone, Señorito!" I greeted them. I can't help it, I did smile widely. Aish! maybe I look like crazy now!

"Wow! Good morning Lorence, you look different right now. You're way much simple and beautiful with your outfit!"

"Stop playing around Kyle!" I glance at Raze, he's serious.

"Sit here!" it was him who offer a seat next to him, Raze.

"O-okay!" I look at Erika. Her stare was deadly but I smile at her.

"Eat up, here!" oh?

"Ah! Señorito that's too much!"

"You should eat more!"

Oh shit! He's adding more food.

"You should help me to finish this!" I complain.

"Want some airplane?"

"What do you think of me? a kid?" then I don't know but we both end up laughing.

I never expect that our laughter will be this lovely.

"Ahem! There's something!" mother sharn tease us after clearing her throat to distract us.

"Hijo! I never seen you this happy before!"

"Ha? It's because I didn't stay here Masha you didn't see it!" he answer and secretly wink at me.

"Excuse me!" I look at Erika!

She harshly put down the utensils and leave.

Is she that really in love to this ungentleman? Sorry Erika!

We just ignore her, I hurriedly finish eating then I excuse myself to go back at my room and brush my teeth.

I wear a black ball cup, I unbound my hair from being tied, exposing my curly hair.

I go out, I'm prepared now.

"Hey!" Erika suddenly appear and push me hard.

"O-ouch!" I groan, it hurts, my back hit the wall.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked z bearing the little pain.

"Why it's always you? Why? I hate you! I hate you! How come that you can get his attention easily?" she yell while scourging my shoulders.

I'm covering myself, I can't hurt her back because if I do, she'll end up regretting it. I have to stay cool!

"I hate you!!" she yell again

"STOP IT! WHAT'S WRONG ERIKA?" Raze madly stop her. She's crying now.

"I HATE HER!" she talk back

"DON'T HURT HER! You cause so much of trouble! You think I don't know that? DO THIS AGAIN! I WON'T HESITATE TO FIRE YOU!" His voice was firm and scary.

"I-I'm .... I'm sorry señorito! I'm really sorry!" she sounds begging and suddenly run away.

"Are you okay?" he ask.

"Yeah! thanks!" I stood straight and fixed my hair.

"Let's go?"


"Are you sure you're okay?" he ask like he's not convinced. My back stings, that's the problem.

I want to respond but I couldn't speak, I don't know why! I'm nervous, I feel a little pain. It seems like my feelings were in mixes.

"Hey! Lorence"


"You're spacing out"

"I'm sorry, let's go!" I force to smile and walk naturally.

"I thought you're ungentleman!" I tease him, smiling...

He open the door for me.

"You change me!" he fight back.

"Anyway, you're beautiful!" he said and turn to walk at the driver's seat.

"Hey! You're smiling widely, you're pretty obvious that you're inlove!" Why he thought about that? haha.. I'm just happy. Aish.

"Do you think?"

"I think!" he suddenly lean closer.

I'm just looking at his eyes, as always, it's beautiful.

"Seatbelt!" he whisper and put my seatbelt on.

"I love you!" he whisper before leaning back at his seat.

"Are you sure?" I tease

"That's fast, maybe you're gonna fall out of love easily too!" that's the reality to face I guess.

"You're a nega citizen! I promise, I'll make your heart completely mine" he said proudly like he's so sure.

Everything was fast, everything like yesterday.

It's just because of palangga ta ka, he confessed.

I said I like him yesterday too but the thing called 'like' us far different from love. I have to find things out for myself. Is this love or this is just as simple as infatuation? yet I'm no longer a kid.

I love him, I just want to test his capacity.

"Kyle likes you!"

"Oh? who say?"

"Yours truly!" he replied, sounds bored.

"That's just your opinion!"

"No! Only a man can see through another man!" he explained. Maybe?

"Sus! stop that, where are we going anyway?" I ask, at least to make a new conversation.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Crazy! I thought you're --!"

"I said I can be your driver! Not your tour guide!" he laughed

"What's funny? Stop here! I can contact a tour guide and booked at a grab taxi!" I said and act like mad and look away.

"You can be a great actress! As if I'm going to let you with a stranger!" he replied.


"Chump! we're going to amusement park, sun flower farm, wind mill, flower garden, zoo..hmm! where else do you want to go!" he asked, smiling now, showing his perfect white teeth.

"Hmm! Eyes on the way buddy!" I said and as if I'm ignoring his suggestions.

He just shook his head.

We had a long ride until we reach the sunflower farm, we had fun, he's fun to be with, he always had a point--ah! yeah!

We talk a lot about life and everything. Up until now I can't believe that this man felt something for me.

"Hey! This photo of yours I loved the most!" he said and show me the picture on his phone.

"Ows! How about this? You're so cool here!" I complemented and show him what I've got.

He took me a picture using his phone and I took him a photo using my phone, for a remembrance, I guess.

"W-wait! Oh! gotcha! You really took me a picture that night!" his eyes were wide. He saw the picture, his picture I stole last time. Heck! I got caught.

"Hmm! You're obviously inlove with me?"

"As if, I just want to tease you!" I said nervously.

Why looking at him make me nervous? Damn this man!

"You're blushing! Come on, let's go at that beautiful giant bird's nest" he grab my hand and pull me beside him.

He was talking and his smile was perfect.

He doesn't look sad and scary now, he's now looks gentle and charming.

"Stop staring! You're smelting me by that!" he said and chuckle. Aish! He's like a kid.

"Crazy!" I utter softly and hold his hands tight.

I hope we're always like this.

We took some pictures at the giant hand made birds nest, it was like designed for pictorials purposes since the place was famous for international and even local tourist.

The place were wide and amazing.

There's a lot of tall sunflowers and there's also a lot of pictorial spots.

We stay there for three hours and now we're heading the Holy  family hills.

He said that there's a statue of Holy Bible there and other things that only written at the Bible. While on the way he play a music and I sing with it... I noticed one thing, he's a different person today, he seems like more lovely and more happy today.

He even sing with me like his eyes glow so, I am.

I'm very happy.

"Have you ever feel like the world turns so small and colorful one?" I asked seriously


"Is that the answer at my question?"

"Is that the answer of my question too?" he mocked me

"Crazy!" I was pissed.

"That's my line!" he's really pissing me off!

"I don't care!"

"Hmm, you look like Cally when you're slightly annoyed!" he's ready teasing me now.


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