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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Today marked the union of the Cartier and Royce families in the city of Lumina City. It was a grand event with a venue that sprawled over thousands of square meters, adorned in luxurious and fantastical decorations.

The emcee on stage was introducing the groom to the distinguished guests. “Let’s welcome the handsome and charming Mr. Jameson Royce to the stage!” As the emcee’s voice fell, the applause from the audience echoed like thunder.

However, moments passed, and the groom, who was supposed to make his entrance from one side of the stage, remained conspicuously absent. Murmurs began to ripple through the audience. The emcee, with a composed smile, attempted to salvage the situation, but as seconds went by, it became apparent that something was amiss. The emcee remained silent, and the hall quieted down considerably.

Suddenly, from backstage, the sharp sound of a slap reverberated. Those close to the stage witnessed a scene unfold. Mrs. Bernadette Royce had just slapped her son, Jameson. Without hesitation glared at her and strode from the stage.

Simultaneously, backstage, Marion was standing arm in arm with her father, Richard Cartier. The father-daughter duo awaited the opening of the doors, ready to step into the night that belonged solely to Marion and her soon-to-be husband.

“Are you nervous, sweetheart?” Richard asked as he affectionately petted his daughter’s arm. Marion looked shyly at her father.

Just as she was about to reply, she suddenly heard Mrs. Royce’s voice from behind them. “Jameson, come back here!” Marion instinctively turned around to the commotion. Just as she did, Jameson had whizzed past her.

Upon catching sight of her, his expression subtly shifted. “I-I’m sorry, Sally is in trouble. The wedding will have to be postponed for a few days,” he said without slowing down.


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