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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 445

Chapter 445 Sorry, Lucas 

It was Saturday, September 16th

Using a short trip with Cassie as an excuse, Marion took the highspeed train to Lester City early in the morning

Keeping this from your husband, what are you going to do when you have to take off your mask tomorrow?Cassie teased Marion after she replied to Lucas’s message

Marion’s face twisted in embarrassment. Well, should I just tell him now?” 

Cassie grabbed her phone. Forget it. Even if you tell him now, it won’t change the fact that you’ve already deceived him! It’s better to wait until tomorrow. If he gets mad, you can just say you wanted to surprise him! 

Besides, it’s hard to say whether he’ll even be there tomorrow,” 

Hearing Cassie’s words, Marion could not help but give her a thumbsup. Wow, you’re good at this, Cassie! Why didn’t I think of that?” 

Cassie proudly raised her eyebrows. It’s nothing special, just basic skills. You, on the other hand, need to read more romance novels! I learned all these tricks from reading 


Marion had been practicing diligently lately, seemingly not getting enough sleep every day. As they chatted, she dozed off

Cassie kept talking, not realizing Marion had fallen asleep until she turned her head and saw her snoozing

She could not bear to wake Marion, so she waited until they arrived at the station to 

rouse Marion

As soon as they got off the train, Marion spotted Nina

Hey, JJ, over here!” 

Marion and Cassie walked over and got into Nina’s car, heading towards the hotel arranged by the organizers

In the afternoon, Marion had to confirm her participation by signing some documents and familiarizing herself with the setup

It was quite a busy day. By the time she got her hands on her phone, it was already past 

six in the evening

Cassie handed her the phone. You’re in trouble. Mr. Craig has called you several times.” 

Seeing the six missed calls, Marion’s heart sank. Oh no!” 

She had fallen asleep on the train and forgotten to check in with Lucas

Marion quickly returned the call, and Lucas answered almost immediately

Awake now?” 

Hearing his voice, Marion hesitated for a moment, subconsciously glancing at Cassic. Catching Cassie’s smug smile, Marion suddenly realized what was going on and responded with guilt in her voice, Yes, I just woke up. I wasn’t feeling too good on the train and fell asleep as soon as we got to the hotel and forgot to message you. I’m sorry


Aware of her mistake, Marion apologized sincerely, though there was a hint of coquettishness in her tone that she did not even notice

Listening to this, Cassie felt a pang of jealousy

At that moment, Nina and the staff from the organizers finished their discussion, and Nina was about to approach. Cassie quickly went over to intercept her, saying, Don’t go over there. She’s on the phone with her husband, not very friendly to us single folks!” 

Since Cassie was not far from Marion, she heard every word, leaving Marion unable to utter the words to soothe Lucas


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