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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Would You Like a Sweet

The noodles are delicious, thank you.” 

Upon hearing his words, Marion glanced at the bowl and found that the noodles were already finished. She thought she must have comforted Lucas. Oh, okay then. Shall I go back now?” 


Before leaving, Marion hesitated about whether to take the empty bowl on the tray with her. As she reached for them, Lucas suddenly leaned down, and their foreheads touched

Although they separated quickly, Marion could still feel his touch. She felt embarrassed and blushed slightly, Sorry, I just wanted to take the bowl away” 

Did it hurt?” 

As she spoke, her forehead suddenly felt warm

One of Lucas’s hands was at the back of her head, and the fingertips of his other hand gently touched 

her forehead

Close as they were, their breaths entwined, and Marion could smell the scent of the man

She stared blankly at him as he approached, and wondered if he was going to kiss her. Should she close her eyes

Before she could decide, he released her. No swelling.” 

Marion snapped back to reality, realizing her unfounded thoughts. Her face turned red, I’ll go back to sleep.” 

Lucas looked at her, his brows and eyes slightly moving, Not going to take a shower?” 

Marion looked down and only then noticed that she was still wearing her clothes from that evening

She felt a little silly. “I meant I’ll go take a shower and rest


He replied as he sat on the sofa, looking somewhat lonely

Lucas had a tough time toohis biological mother passed away when he was young, and his stepmother, who entered his life, seemed lost

As he got older, his father’s approach to Lucas’s marriage was calculated and devoid of affection

Ah, it’s really tough.” 

Marion walked to the door, bit her lip, and found that she could not control herself. Would you like


As she spoke, her other hand had already opened up to reveal the mangoflavored candy tightly held 

Chapter 119 Would You Like a Sweet

in her palm. Someone had once told her to eat candy whenever she felt unhappy


The yellow candy wrapper sparkled under the light, and as if in a trance, she recalled something from her childhood

A girl of fifteen or sixteen sat dejectedly on the steps, and suddenly a guy in his twenties reached out and handed her a candy, saying, Eat a candy whenever you’re unhappy.” 

The black eyes of Lucas moved, and he walked over, picking up the candy from Marion’s palm, Is it sweet?” 

Hearing his words, Marion was momentarily stunned

She licked her lips. It’s sweet but not cloying.She had eaten one while cooking the noodles for 


It was a mangoflavored candy and after so many years, she still liked the taste

Have you tried it?” 

Lucas casually asked while turning the candy in his hand


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