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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127 But You Are Mine

“I have a backup plan.”

“Oh really? What kind of backup plan?”

Lucas spoke and returned to the car. Sitting inside with the door open, he gestured to Marion.

“Come here.”

Marion had no choice but to walk over. She wore a short dress that day, which made her stride

awkward as she had to lift the hem while she walked.

As soon as she got into the car, Marion caught a whiff of the familiar woody fragrance Lucas wore. Instinctively, she looked up and found Lucas staring at her.

His dark eyes were fixed on her. “Tell me about your backup plan.”

With the air conditioning on inside the car, Marion felt the heat dissipate.

She pointed to Miley not far away.

“I arranged for someone to inform Zoe, the chief planner of this event. The call Miley just answered is probably Zoe apologizing.”

At first, Marion felt hesitant about revealing her little scheme, but once she started talking, a hint of pride crept into her voice.

“Just wait. Soon, Zoe will personally come out with her team to pick me up.’

She spoke, with a smug smile on her face.

Lucas gazed at her. “What else?”

This question truly stumped Marion. She blinked at Lucas, somewhat perplexed. “Is this not enough?”

The chief planner herself would come to apologize. What more did he want?

“Is it enough?”

Lucas did not directly answer her question but threw it back at her.

Marion felt uncertain under his gaze. “Is it not enough?” she stammered.

Surely she would not have to cancel her performance?

“No, it’s not enough.”

Lucas spoke, his gaze shifting to the window beside Marion. “Isn’t Althea trying to drive you away?”


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