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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 I Was Only Joking

Lucas calmly watched her and said in a deep voice, “But I think I would.”

Marion felt very embarrassed, “Really?”



Except for having an attractive face and playing the piano, she did not have anything particularly special!

“If you can have thoughts about me, why can’t I have thoughts about you?”

Marion did not know what to say. She felt like she had opened Pandora’s box.

She clasped her palms, desperately wanting someone to rescue her from the awkward situation.

No one spoke, and the room was very quiet. Marion could hear her own rapidly beating heart.

She pressed her palms together, trying to find words to break free but could not.

“I was just joking.”

At that moment, Lucas suddenly spoke.

Marion raised her head in surprise. She saw a faint smile on his face and breathed a sigh of relief.

“I just thought that since your family business is vast, we should sign an agreement. You know, wealth can affect people’s decisions. I wouldn’t want to be presumptuous about our future.”

“Alright, I’ll have Daniel contact my lawyer to draft the agreement later.”


For some reason, Marion felt that the atmosphere had become even more awkward.

It was all her fault. She blurted out her words without thinking.

Fortunately, Mrs. Bailey knocked on the door to call Lucas downstairs for lunch.

Marion sighed in relief, “It’s time for lunch.”


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