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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 All Better with a Little Coaxing

Cassie sent the hot search to Marion immediately upon seeing it.

When Marion saw it, she was bewildered. She quickly accessed her Twitter account on her computer. Despite having a high-end computer, it stuttered for a moment as it loaded.

Marion discovered that the comments on her recent post had surpassed 100,000.

Lucas’s comment: [I’m easy to please.] had over 300,000 likes and had become the top comment.

Marion shook the mouse with her hand, seriously questioning if she had misread it. She rubbed her eyes and examined it carefully, confirming that the comment was indeed from Lucas.

Good heavens, when it came to showing affection on social media, Lucas seemed to be even more proficient than her!

Marion felt a sense of self-doubt. Lucas’s comment not only had a high number of likes but also generated numerous replies. Curious, Marion clicked on it to read a few, but her face turned red almost instantly.

[I’m easily appeased-whether it’s in or out of bed.]

[I’m easily appeased-especially in bed.]

The netizens were truly adept, and Marion did not dare to read any further.

Due to Lucas’s statement, the comments section of Marion’s Twitter had veered off course. It transitioned from discussing the charity event to speculating the best ways to please Lucas.

There were also a few people who were still concerned about Marion’s alleged use of her ‘privilege’ to

outdo Althea.

After all, Lucas was Marion’s husband, and even if he had genuinely intervened against Althea, netizens found it understandable. In a good marital relationship, if someone bullied the wife, was it not natural for the husband to retaliate?

On the other hand, Althea’s situation had completely reversed in just three hours. Public opinion had changed to overwhelmingly favor Marion.


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