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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175 You Kissed Me Here

At 6:50 in the morning, Marion was once again awakened by the urge to pee. She groped her way to the bathroom with closed eyes. Yesterday was just too exhausting. Her eyes still felt so heavy.

After using the bathroom, she blindly returned to bed with a hazy consciousness. In the fog of awareness, Marion felt that her hand seemed to touch another hand.

Wait! Why would there be something else on her bed?

Realizing that, Marion instantly woke up. She opened her eyes and found herself looking into the deep black eyes of a man.

Lucas? What was going on? How could Lucas be in her bed?

What happened last night? Marion’s mind went blank as she looked at Lucas and caught the familiar fragrance that constantly brushed over her, as a reminder.

She was now sleeping in the same bed as Lucas! That fact was even more shocking than her drunken streaking!

Marion hastily sat up from the bed, and quickly created distance between them.

She stared at Lucas, who was getting up calmly. Then she asked him with restrained anger, “How did you end up on my bed?”

“Your bed?”

Marion paused, then glanced around. It was not her room! She was in Lucas’s room!

This realization instantly dissipated her anger. Marion sat there, at a loss, her face turning red, and her voice almost on the verge of tears. “Mr. Craig, let me explain

“Well, go ahead and explain.”

Marion looked at him awkwardly, attempting to explain how she ended up in his bed. After thinking for a while, she realized she did not know how she got there..

“I… sleepwalk.”


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