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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 What Do You Think of Me

Lucas may or may not have had trouble sleeping, but Marion certainly did not sleep well all night. When her phone alarm went off, she struggled for a moment before reluctantly answering the call

Just woke up?came the voice of a man from the other end of the line. Marion found the voice familiar but could not quite recall who it was

Who is this?she asked

It seems you are a busy person. We talked about a parttime job last time and that I’d contact you again,the man replied

Marion, still groggy from just waking up, finally remembered, Kirk?” 

Congratulations, Miss Marion, you guessed right,he said

Marion blinked away the last remnants of sleep, Do you need something?” 

Of course. I’ll be on a tour next month, starting in Lumina City. I need a pianist for two songs… 

He did not finish his sentence, but Marion understood. A concert tour… 

Marion pursed her lips, hesitated for a second, and then declined, I’m sorry, you’ll have to find someone else for this. It’s not about the money. You know, I’m married now, and I need to keep a low profile.” 

With Lucas playing the role of fake husbandso convincingly, how could she betray his act by becoming Kirk’s concert pianist

Kirk laughed on the other end, Alright, it seems like this three million budget for the guest performer will go to someone else.” 

Wait! What did you just say, three million?” 

I applied for a three million dollar budget for the guest performer in this concert, and the company has approved it.” 

When is your concert? Next month? Which two songs do you require piano accompaniment for?” 

Do you have any recommendations for a pianist?” 

Marion blinked, What about me?” 

Her question immediately amused Kirk. He laughed for a full five seconds before stopping, Well, didn’t you just say I should find someone else?” 

Marion touched her warm ear and confidently blurted out, The key to a successful concert, especially the opening night of a tour, is perfection. Considering my professional background and the fact that Mystara has few titles higher than mine, I’m the perfect fit. You know I can bring the promotional appeal you need. Your concert needs the best, and I happen to be the best.” 

You’re right. The company was willing to approve the three million because I recommended you.” 

At first, Marion did not catch on, and she continued, Indeed, your company must have recognized my commercial value.” 

While Marion had no intention of fully entering the entertainment industry, it did not mean that she was not interested in earning money from it. A chance to earn three million dollars for playing two songs on the piano was too good to pass up

So, you’re agreeing, right?” 

Absolutely! When you’re ready, contact Miley to get the contract prepared.” 


As Kirk was about to end the call, he suddenly asked, Is the payment tempting?” 

Indeed, it’s hard not to be moved by it!” 


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