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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196 You Seem to Find It Regrettable

Just when Marion thought Lucas was about to kiss her, his warm breath suddenly disappeared.

Marion instinctively opened her eyes, and her gaze met his.

Lucas leaned back as he looked at her with a smile, “You’re right. It might not be appropriate.”

Marion looked at his thin lips, and for some reason, she felt a hint of regret.

The expression on her face was likely too obvious as Lucas observed, “You seem to find it regrettable.”

Startled, Marion quickly denied, “No, it’s not like that, I don’t-I wouldn’t!”

Lucas smiled meaningfully, “Hmm.”

Feeling guilty, Marion blurted out, “I’ll go practice the piano!”

Without waiting for his response, she ran upstairs to the piano room.

Her heart pounded rapidly as if it could burst out of her chest at any moment. Marion covered her flushed cheeks and took a moment to calm herself.

Oh, she had indeed changed.

She had started thinking about men in ‘that’ way.

Shaking her head, she gathered her thoughts, placed her hands on the piano keys, and began to play Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

Gradually, Marion immersed herself in the music, practicing the piano for three hours until her fingers began to ache. As she massaged her fingers, she checked her phone and found several messages from Cassie.

Cassie: [Someone captured a photo of you and Mr. Craig last night. It looks amazing!]

Cassie sent a couple of screenshots to accompany her message.

Cassie: [This photo of you two is spreading in the industry. What happened last night is also getting attention. Ruby and Jameson look like a fake couple compared to you two!]

Cassie: [Ruby is going to be furious this time! Hahaha!]

The messages were sent two hours ago.

Marion downloaded the photos, and as she zoomed in, her face uncontrollably heated up.

Cassie was right. The pictures captured their emotions perfectly!


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