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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Can He Remove It

Marion finished breakfast and was planning to practice the piano. Just as she was about to leave her room, she received a message from Cassie. [Damn! Sally is such a bitch! She dared argue with me!

Cassie sounded furious in the voice message, and Marion raised an eyebrow. [I’ll take a look.

Marion wheeled back and refreshed the feed on the webpage. Soon, she saw Sally’s response

[I’m sorry! I didn’t realize that my youthful indiscretion caused so much misunderstanding between you and Jay. There was indeed no inappropriate behavior between Jay and me

However, I regret that my actions have led to so many misunderstandings on your part. I genuinely apologize for barging into the family dinner between you and Jay. I didn’t think much at the time

I just didn’t want you and Jay to miss out on so many years of connection because of me. Getting on my knees was entirely voluntary on my part, You never made such a demand. I apologize for my impulsiveness and lack of consideration

I’ll personally face you and apologize to you. I hope everyone will stop spreading this vicious rumor and causing more harm to you and Jay. As for the blogger who took the video without permission, I will pursue all legal avenues

Finally, regarding what @cassgreaves said about me calling you in the middle of the night, I do not admit to it. If I did it, I did it. If I didn’t, I didn’t. I apologize for what I did, and for what I didn’t do

Once again, I sincerely apologize to Jay and you.

After reading Sally’s response, Marion fell silent for a moment. She had not expected Sally to dare respond at this point. Sally’s audacity was beyond ordinary. Her resilience was far greater than Marion had imagined

Due to Sally’s response, conspiracy theories about Marion began to emerge. Some claimed that Marion deliberately had her best friend make those comments, misleading everyone into thinking that Sally was competing with her for Jameson

Marion chuckled at these comments, suddenly understanding why Sally chose to make a move at this time. Was she not just trying to shift the focus

Sally dared to respond because she was confident that Marion had no evidence against her. However, Marion did have such evidence. That night when Sally called, Mario, who was unusually clear- 

headed, knew it was Sally and immediately recorded the conversation. The audio of that entire call was still on her phone

Marion did not bother arguing with Sally. She simply uploaded the recording online

Speak up, what do you want to say this time?” 

Sally, how do you know it’s me? I mean no harm; I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is your third anniversary with Jay, right?” 

Chapter 31 Can He Remove It


Are you planning to register with Jay tomorrow?” 

Do you have some misunderstanding about me, Sally? Do you think my life is a garbage dump or that there’s only one man in the world?” 

If you’re so fond of collecting garbage, then keep it to yourself. I’ve already thrown it away.” 

At the 28th floor executive office of Radiant Group

Daniel entered Lucas’s office again. Mr. Craig, Mrs. Craig just posted another message.” 


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