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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 It Was a Little Foolish 

The online buzz persisted until the afternoon before subsiding. People within the social circle were well aware that Jameson had forsaken Marion, his childhood sweetheart of twelve years, for the scheming Sally, whom many referred to as a shedevil

In secret, many criticized Jameson for being blind. Even Tessa Cooper, the wealthy heiress from the Cooper family, who had never been fond of Marion, posted a cryptic message in support of Marion in 

her social circle

Upon seeing Tessa’s post, Cassie felt a sense of nostalgia and shared a screenshot with Marion, saying, Marion, even that Medusaseems to feel sorry for you!” 

Marion and Tessa had never gotten along since childhood. During Marion’s school days, Tessa had frequently framed and sabotaged her. Their relationship was like fire and water, and not even a facade of false friendship remained

Cassie thought Tessa was ruthless, like a coldblooded snake, hence the nickname Medusa

Marion saw Cassie’s screenshot after she finished practicing the piano, and felt a twinge of sentimentality. Look at that, even her archenemy found Jameson’s actions excessive. Why had she endured this for so many years

Marion gave a wry smile, acknowledging that she was not entirely innocent

Indeed, she was perhaps a little foolish

There was a knock at the door and Marion collected her thoughts. Come in.” 

Miss Marion, what would you like for dinner tonight?” 

In the blink of an eye, it was already past four in the afternoon, and another day was quickly passing by. Marion looked away from her phone. Is my dad coming home for dinner?” 

He is. Mr. Cartier mentioned it before he left this morning.” 

Oh, I see.” 

Marion propped her chin on her hand, as her fingers tapped her cheek. Then, her bright eyes lit up, Can I cook tonight?” 

Of course, you can!Mable the housekeeper smiled. Mr. Cartier always praises your cooking skills. He’ll be delighted if you cook tonight!” 

Then it’s settled. I’ll cook!· 

Marion wheeled herself to the kitchen with Mable. It had been a while since she had cooked, and her skills had become rusty

In the evening, when Richard came home and heard that Marion was cooking that night, he could not hide his joy. Watching his daughter busy in the kitchen, he felt both proud and touched

Chapter 33 I Was a Little Foolish 


As Marion finished the last dish and had Mable bring it out, she washed her hands and joined them at the dining table. It had been a long time since father and daughter had enjoyed a meal together

Richard opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate the occasion. Mar, care for

I’ll join you, Dad.” 


Marion handed the wine glass to Richard, who poured her a third of the red wine. Mable and the butler discreetly went downstairs, leaving the space for the father and daughter

In contrast to the warmth at the Cartiers, the atmosphere at the Royceswas entirely different. Jameson’s affair with two women had caused quite a stir online


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