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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Is Returning to Your Own Home an Inconvenience

Jameson had not fully recovered from the slap Marion gave him when he saw the Bentley getting farther away. He kept watching until the car turned a corner and disappeared. Only then did Jameson regain his senses and hurriedly turned back to his car

He had known Marion for twelve years and had never heard about her connection with Lucas. There was no friendship between Richard and Lucas, so Jameson could not believe that Marion had any real involvement with the man. Their sudden marriage was perplexing to him

The Bentley had not traveled far from the mansion when it was stopped by a red light. The car came to a smooth halt, and Lucas glanced at the rearview mirror. His thick lashes were lowered, casting shadows that concealed the coldness in his eyes

Then the light turned green, and the stationary Bentley gradually started moving again. After about ten minutes, the car came to another stop

Mrs. Craig?” 

Marion pretended to be asleep. She was unable to face Lucas after the incident with his throat. She was not sure what had come over her to make her touch him like that. Although Lucas did not blame her, Marion still felt embarrassed

Hearing him call her name, Marion’s heart skipped a beat. She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them as if she had been sleeping. Did you call me?” 

Lucas looked at her, and in his dark eyes, Marion found a hint of emotions that were hard to read. Feeling tired?he asked

Under his gaze, Marion felt inexplicably guilty and instinctively sat up, as if facing a stern high school principal

Not very tired, just closed my eyes for a bit,she mumbled, trying to divert the conversation.What’s up? Do you have something to attend to?” 

Marion’s eyes were drawn to his hand that casually rested on the steering wheel

Lucas leisurely tapped on the steering wheel, his index and middle fingers interweaved and created a subtle rhythmic sound. No.” 

His thin lips moved slightly as he raised his hand and pointed to the rearview mirror outside her car. We probably won’t be able to have supper now.” 

Marion’s eyes followed his pointing finger and noticed many cars behind her. At first, she had not noticed Jameson’s car, but she soon spotted it

Understanding Lucas’s implication, she pursed her lips. If I head over to your place now, will it be an inconvenience?” 

Tsk, is returning to your own home an inconvenience?” 

Chapter 41 4s Returning to Your Own Home an Inconvenience


As he spoke, he shifted his focus, gazing at the red light that had just turned green, and restarted the 


Because Jameson was persistent, Marion’s strategy of eating supperwas not going to work

If they went out for supper, Jameson would be even more skeptical of their charade. Marion and Jameson had known each other for twelve years, and they understood each other quite well

However, love had always been a matter between two people, and with Sally in the picture, everything had changed. Jameson knew Marion quite well, as long as the matter did not involve Sally


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